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Comment Re:The fog of memory is vital (Score 1) 379

One main reason why history is fascinating is precisely because historical records are rare and incomplete.

Imagine every single person's entire life in known history can be viewed at the push of a button. Nobody will ever watch it except maybe those with great historical importance. The vast majority of it would be more boring than the current crop of reality TV shows.

Comment Re:Oh, the embarassment (Score 1) 291

Why will it be so embarrassing??

If/when it happens, we congratulate them. It will be another accomplishment not only for the Chinese people, but the humanity as a whole. After all, we've already done it, and revered the same way all around the world.

Not everything needs to be a race or competition. The cold war is over a couple of decades ago.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: I just need... marketing?

An anonymous reader writes: Over the years, Slashdot has had many stories of non-technical entrepreneuring people in need of programmers. Now I found myself in an almost opposite situation: I am a programmer with a fledgling mass-market product that needs marketing.

I know slashdot's general sentiment towards marketing. Without being judgmental one way or the other, I must say that for a product to reach the widest possible audience in a given time period, marketing is a necessity. Short of doing everything myself, I see a couple of options: 1. Hire marketing people, or an outside marketing firm; 2. Take in willing partners who are good at marketing (currently there are no shortage of people who want in).

With these options, my major concerns are how to quantify performance, as well as how to avoid getting trapped in a partnership with non-performing partners — I already have a tangible product with a huge amount of time, money, and effort invested. Budget is also limited. Budget is always limited unless you are a fortune 500 business, but for now that's more of a secondary concern. So here is my question to Slashdot: how do you address these concerns, and in a more general sense, how would you handle the situation: technical people with a product in need of marketing?

Comment Re:Always the frontrunner? (Score 1) 226

> manhole cover moving about about 0.1c

A manhole cover has a mass over 50kg. Traveling at 0.1C, it's kinetic energy would be over 2x10^18 joules, which is about half a gigaton TNT equivalent.

By comparison, the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated had a yield of 50 megatons.

Moral of the story: never underestimate the venerable C (when compared to human scale objects and measurements).


Submission + - Ask Slashdot: A More Accessible Alternative to

An anonymous reader writes: I have an account at from my postdoc years. The problem with is that it's closely tied to the establishment, with an endorsement system heavily favoring institutional career researchers. What I am looking for is an eprint repository that is accessible to the general public — for both authors and readers, has an authoritative timestamp, and is likely to stay around for the foreseeable future. Perhaps a cross between and Wikipedia, or maybe a GitHub clone but for research pagers. Any such beast in existence, or should somebody start one?

No LMGTFY please. I am aware of what's available out there, but want real-world experiences and opinions from the Slashdot community. Background: I am an independent researcher with a Ph.D in theoretical physics, although my research interests cover a variety of disciplines. I plan to publish my work in recent years as public-domain eprints, completely bypassing traditional academic channels, with one caveat: I want to receive full credit where it's due, otherwise a simple blog would have sufficed.

Comment Reverse VNC (Score 5, Informative) 247

Other posts have already mentioned VNC, naturally. But more specifically, what you want is reverse VNC. You set up a VNC listener, and firewall port forwarding etc. on you end. Then ask the user to download a simple server executable (e.g. tvnserver.exe in the case of Windows/TightVNC) and connect to your IP address.

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