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Comment Re:teamviewer (Score 1) 247

Let's put this into perspective

He's asking for remote access help which notably involves a GUI and from that we can surmise he doesn't know what he's doing and also what he's accessing doesn't require that much security anyways because quite frankly, if it did, he's vastly under qualified to begin with nor does he have a sense of the importance of his information. Google would have helped him far more than this "article".

Windows includes RDP, and Apple includes both VNC and ARD. Linux distros have repos with vnc in them as well

Teamviewer also only initializes the connection. That's it. The entire session doesn't go through their servers, or at least they didn't the last I checked.

Comment Re:oh great more Orwellian speak "conflict mineral (Score 1) 134

Who cares where this shit comes from?
No one's doing the same to block the US war machine are they? Then the rest of the world is culpable as well.
Oh that's right, they're darker skinned and in Africa so we have a moral duty to repress *cough* I mean help them out.
this shit makes me sick

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