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Comment Re:As Steve Jobs might conclude (Score 3, Insightful) 216

F-you. Comments like these are so, so easy from arm-chair quarterbacks who look at the world through a pin-hole lens. The Gates Foundation might not donate to causes that you believe in, and it might provide tax shelters for some individuals (based on current U.S. Tax Law I might add), but I'd rather see the kind of work that they do and the funds they provide than nothing at all.

Comment Re:Astroturfing on Amazon? (Score 3, Insightful) 129

It wouldn't take a whole lot to have Google and Amazon become dinosaurs real quick. I just think it's a mistake to believe that five years from now these companies are going to have the same kind of fundamental strength that the big manufacturing companies had in the post-WWII world. There are a lot of companies built on perception and that are very vulnerable to shifting habits.

Really? Both of these companies have massive, massive investments in infrastructure. These aren't some mom-and-pop, dot com, one trick pony shows. Hell, Government is starting (if not already) to rely on Google. Amazon is investing in same day delivery and is one of the biggest players online. It would take quite a bit IMHO for these two companies to become dinosaurs. This isn't 1999.

Comment Re:Interesting question (Score 1) 102

I suppose you could create some innovative process for routing the body or planing the neck

praxis guitars

I see some pretty good ideas here that I haven't seen from Gibson, Fender, et al. With that said, /. isn't exactly the best place to ask for legal advice, which is what you need. If you're serious about this life decision (which, from what I can see from your website, you clearly are), go talk to a lawyer. Don't let posts like:

Just so you know, making your guitar in the shape of an axe/rocketship/state of Texas? Already been done.

stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Comment Re:Best practices are best practices (Score 1) 427

SharePoint has basic workflow functionality out of the box. If you're looking for simple timesheet and leave application requests that route tasks to managers then don't kill yourself writing custom scripts. Those types of applications can be built in no time with standard SharePoint lists/calendars and approval workflows

Comment Re:Nothing will persuade iPhone users to switch (Score 1) 244

I'm switching. I currently own an iPhone 3GS which will be promptly handed over to my wife once the Motorola Atrix becomes available. I actually really like the iPhone, but I don't like Apple. My wife has a MacBook (which I really, really can't stand), so it will be a no-brainer for her to have an iPhone as well. I was actually really close to upgrading my phone to the iPhone 4 due to the screen alone, but now that other manufacturers are releasing comparable resolutions, I feel like I can finally make the switch. I won't consider any Samsung phone due to the fact that 50% of Samsung electronic devices that I've ever purchased have broken (for no apparent reason) well short of their expected lifespan (but just out of warranty).

TL;DR - I'm switching from iPhone to Android

Comment No proof? (Score 4, Informative) 360


There are three possible explanation for this weird result from Internet Explorer:

1. Microsoft cheated by optimizing Internet Explorer 9 solely to ace the SunSpider Bechmark. To me, this seems like the best explanation.
2. Microsoft engineers working on Internet Explorer 9 could have been using the SunSpider Benchmark and unintentionally over-optimized the JavaScript engine for the SunSpider Benchmark. This seems very unlikely to me.
3. A third option (suggested in Hacker News) might be that this is an actual bug and adding these trivial codes disaligns cache tables and such throwing off the performance entirely. If this is the reason, it raises a serious question about the robustness of the engine.

I'm not saying if what they have done is right or wrong, but this is a sensationalist headline that offers two other "less evil" alternatives to the outcome.

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