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Comment Mistake? Really?? (Score 1) 498

"the police officers in charge of testing the 20 breathalyzers used by the Police Department did not carry out any tests on the equipment. Officers instead filled the test forms with numbers that matched the control sample" Wait, that's a mistake? I think headline needs to read "SFPD Breathalyzer test results forged, Puts Hundreds of DUI Convictions In Doubt" I don't see how you can accidentally not do part of your job and buy complete the paperwork that makes it look like you did your job - someone decided to do this, on purpose, and potentially let hundreds of drunk drivers off the hook and/or harm innocent people.

Comment Re:FUCK YES (Score 1) 470

I bought a rather expensive Samsung one which was super buggy, and after 6 months the drive couldn't read discs any more... I managed to get store credit for it which I used towards a sony bluray player and aside from MKV playback over wifi being choppy when the resolution is above 640x480 (and the really nice feature the Samsung had where you could type in the specific minute/second in the movie you wanted to go to rather than fastforwarding/rewinding), it really is better in every way in my opinion.

Comment Re:Javascript (Score 2) 110

A lot of banks use services such as Advanced web analytics, which include bits of javascript from inside their secure pages. I'm not sure how secure their servers are, but I for one have blocked their server on our proxy.

Comment Re:LAN parties (Score 1) 497

I had an apartment where all the plugs were on one circuit, and we had to ask the person in the basement to reset the breaker when it popped. Thankfully the stove had an outlet (which drew it's power from the 40A circuit the stove was on) which we were able to plug the kitchen appliance into with a power bar, that prevented us from being in the dark until the other tennant came home!

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