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Comment boss (Score 1) 833

I think there are pros and cons but discretion should be used in mass publication of any information.
What is the point in damaging international relations because somebody was called a slob?
Will the net effect be less transparency and less communication?

Comment Women (Score 1) 763

My career was outsourced to a woman after WWII. Fortunately they increased their living standard and increased the size of the modern economy, And I got a job as a programmer. Can these emerging economies have the same effect as women entering the work force? How can we increase their standard of living?

Comment Re:His idea seemed bad to me (Score 1) 236

This really links the voter to the ballot too strongly. Why not just print out a copy of the results. The paper copy can be reviewed/canceled by the voter. The voter must agree to the paper copy before submitting any vote. The paper copy is mechanically inserted into a vote bin.(viewed but not touched by humans) The paper votes and electronic counts should match exactly. paper votes can be counted electronically. If there is some bug suspected they can also be counted manually. If there is any mechanical failure (out of ink or paper?) the vote must be redone/reprinted before it will count.

Comment assumpt (Score 1) 388

One assumption is that intelligence is the optimal survival mechanism, and if you think about it is, but you would think that way wouldn't you? So possibilities are: we are in a 'young' universe such that we are one of the first to acquire at least tech level 2. Somebody had to be first. Good news is it gives us a great chance to conquer the universe (all the other base), but we need to keep getting smarter and stronger somehow.
Another possibility is that anytime 2 independently evolved civilizations come into contact their microbes eat everyone alive.

Comment Why stop there? (Score 1, Troll) 264

committed copyright infringement, induced copyright infringement, and engaged in unfair competition

Also the isps and operating system vendors will be sued out of business. Additionally Tim Lee, Von Newman and Alan Turing are being held on 10bln dollars bail.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 207

It depends on how much something is used. Typical case: Hotshot A writes some horrendous code with the database access inside a for loop, works for happy case 1, ship it. Hotshot A takes another job making twice as much as real programmer B will ever see. Programmer B has to fix all the bugs in A's code. In doing so he has to run 1000 tests which take 10 minutes a piece, {QA/customers} all the same. Spend one hour optimizing it and the testing time is dropped to a few seconds and voila, ROI.

How To Find Bad Programmers 359

AmberShah writes "The job post is your potential programmer's first impression of your company, so make it count with these offputting features. There are plenty of articles about recruiting great developers, but what if you are only interested in the crappy ones?" I think much of the industry is already following these guidelines.

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