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Comment Re:Safer never to use GOTO (Score 1) 677

Really? How else do you handle error conditions and stack unwinding in C? I'd love to see you write a function that needs to acquire N resources (say N distinct mallocs) where any one of the acquisitions can fail and do it more cleanly than an approach that uses goto's to implement explicit stack unwinding in an error condition.

Comment Yes it is a peering problem ... (Score 4, Informative) 243

and not a net neutrality issue thankfully.

Settlement free peering between tier 1 carriers only happens when the flow of traffic is roughly balanced between the contracting peers.

When one peer is pushing a lot more traffic onto the other network, then that usually goes out the window and the pusher is required to pay the receiving network. Otherwise, networks would be monetarily incentivized to unload traffic they should carry on their own networks onto their peers' instead.

Comment Re:Sensationalism at its worst (Score 1) 201

Thank you! You beat me to posting this. From the summary:

"Thrust was observed on both test articles, even though one of the test articles was designed with the expectation that it would not produce thrust. Specifically, one test article contained internal physical modifications that were designed to produce thrust, while the other did not (with the latter being referred to as the "null" test article)."

Comment Re:That's great, but ... (Score 1) 120

Yes, but even Tesla projects that this will ultimately only shave 30% off the cost of the batteries and 3rd party analysts are skeptical of Tesla's claims on the cost of their current batteries and there ability to reduce them. It looks to me like a technology breakthrough is needed here, not just economies of scale.

Comment Re:That's great, but ... (Score 1) 120

Scroll down on your link:

"Tesla Superchargers represent the most advanced charging technology in the world, capable of charging Model S 16x faster than most public charging stations. We will soon roll out 120 kW Superchargers, which are 33% faster than our current version and can replenish half a charge in as little as 20 minutes, for free."

Comment Re:That's great, but ... (Score 1) 120

"Could you elaborate on what is missing?"

With the undercarriage missing like that, it is likely that the interior and storage space of the vehicle is far smaller than is usual in a regular car.

What's missing from EVs more generally is the kind of range the Model S has for a price that is competitive in the mainstream (rather than luxury) market of cars.

Comment Re:Range is not the issue. Cost is. (Score 1) 120

I wholeheartedly agree. We are still at least one major breakthrough in battery technology away from EVs being mainstream competitors with ICEs. They need to either get the energy density way up and/or the cost way down somehow.

Tesla charges $10K to upgrade from the 60 Kwh to 85 Kwh battery. That means the 60 Kwh battery pack likely costs somewhere in the $20-25K range all by itself. The 85 Kwh battery pack is likely somewhere in the $30-35K range all by itself.

Tesla claims their next gen superchargers can already give a 50% charge in 20 minutes, so I think the recharge time argument is largely headed out the window already.

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