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Comment Re:"print" vs "digital" is pointless distinction (Score 3, Insightful) 285

Your point is only true in theory, but not in fact. Because of how it evolved, the Internet broke the culture of willingness to pay for journalism. This has turned out to have some bad consequences - namely a decline in quality, and the dominance of ad-supported information, and unthinking acceptance of the ad-supported press.

Comment Re:Another thing (Score 1) 135

I do think the west, especially the US, is likely headed for a period of slower growth than we're accustomed to, or perhaps worse, stagnation or decline. This is because globalization (which many think is a dirty word, but I think is fantastic) is spreading the wealth over more of the human race.

This may seem to contradict the other current trend of concentration of capital, but historically they've gone hand in hand.

Not just historically, but currently. Inequality within nations is increasing, but inequality between nations is shrinking:

But the majority of the people on the planet live in countries where income disparities are bigger than they were a generation ago.

That does not mean the world as a whole has become more unequal. Global inequalityâ"the income gaps between all people on the planetâ"has begun to fall as poorer countries catch up with richer ones. Two French economists, FranÃois Bourguignon and Christian Morrisson, have calculated a âoeglobal Giniâ that measures the scale of income disparities among everyone in the world. Their index shows that global inequality rose in the 19th and 20th centuries because richer economies, on average, grew faster than poorer ones. Recently that pattern has reversed and global inequality has started to fall even as inequality within many countries has risen. By that measure, the planet as a whole is becoming a fairer place. But in a world of nation states it is inequality within countries that has political salience, and this special report will focus on that.

Comment Not just an RC Plane (Score 2) 218

So it's difficult to argue that his flights are more dangerous than what goes on every weekend at RC modeling sites throughout the United States

I can't fully agree with that. RC planes don't tend to fly out of range because they have to be in sight. A remotely piloted drone is not flown in light of sight, so it could more easily be controlled up to altitudes that might pose a danger to aircraft, or out of radio range.

Not saying they should have shut this guy down, or that taking 9 years to make rules is acceptable. A SAR drone is almost certainly flying where there isn't much risk of crashing into anybody anyways. But keeping signal strength down into valleys would really present some challenges.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 5, Insightful) 111

"More easily", sure. But if somebody is willing to cut cables and shoot guns at equipment, it is more reasonable to worry about catching them afterwards than preventing it. Making the entire grid literally bullet proof is a preposterous idea.

I've been thinking about this a lot as I listen to Kevin Mitnick's autobio, Ghost in the Wires. He devotes his entire life to circumventing various defenses, then laughs at everybody for being 'so easily' fooled. His entire view is basically juvenile - that everything (such as the phone system) just naturally exists and ought to be perfect, so it's amazing if he can prove otherwise. When in fact nobody ever said it was. All the stuff that exists and usually works is just the product of mostly ordinary people doing their 9-5 jobs and trying to keep the wheels turning until their shift ends so they can go home and do something else.

Comment Re:Not impressed. (Score 2) 126

What would be a good UI for this? Too automated, and it's just a big inkjet printer. (You will see research papers doing that in the next few years, I'm certain.) This is fine except the art wouldn't really be getting anything new from the medium, just printed in a different way.

But joysticking in 3d to operate on a 2d canvas doesn't seem right either.

Comment Re:not developed by a responsible team? (Score -1, Flamebait) 301

No more irresponsible than writing the software in C in the first place. If you wanted checks like this universally enforced, you would use a language that doesn't require you to remember to do them every single time. The heartburn that comes with higher-level languages is exactly the type of heartburn that caused this check to be disabled.

I don't put much stock in retrospective finger-pointing. Almost all bugs are trivial in retrospect.

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