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Submission + - Hundreds protest in Warsaw, Poland against ACTA (

kubusja writes: Hundreds of net freedom supporters protested today in Warsaw, Poland against plan of Polish government to sign ACTA treaty. Earlier this week several major websites in Poland protested with banners and blackouts. Also earlier this week Polish Anonymous group branch hacked government servers and published passwords lists and e-mails. Among them was login: admin, password:admin1 which shows how much Polish goverment branches care about Internet security named by the government as the main reason for ACTA.
Short story in Seattle PI in English: Longer but in Polish (Google Translate) on Polish major newspaper site :,34862,11024769,Warszawiacy_wyszli_na_ulice__Tlum_przeciw_ACTA.html
  More photos:,34862,11024769.html?i=1


Submission + - Exploits emerge for Linux privilege escalation fla (

angry tapir writes: "Linux vendors are rushing to patch a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux kernel that can be exploited by local attackers to gain root access on the system. The vulnerability, which is identified as CVE-2012-0056, was discovered by Jüri Aedla and is caused by a failure of the Linux kernel to properly restrict access to the "/proc//mem" file."

Comment Few suggestions (Score 1) 647

Intelectual fun: Jared Diamon Guns, Germs and Steel - why Eurasians conquered others and not the other way around Peter Heather The Fall of the Roman Empire - title says it all - but this one has great explanation of Roman-Barbarians relations - something like Rich West - poor immigrants now - parallels to current situation are obvious. Lederman, Teresi God particle - my favourite popular science book about modern particle physics - what is the search for Higgs boson about ? Just fun (assuming you've read Tolkien :) ): Andrzej Sapkowski - Last Wish, Blood of Elves Orson Scott Card - short stories, Ender's Game Philip Dick - short stories like We Can Remember It for You Wholesale Stanislaw Lem Cyberiad, Solaris

Comment Digital divide will actually grow... (Score 2) 219

And the main cause is Apple, Amazon and like content stores... Either you are on the richer side and you can use iPhone and iPad with myriads of their applications...... or you are on the poorer side and you use strange Chinese Android clone on which few application works... Either you are on the richer side and you got Kindle and instantly download any book you need... or you are using strange clone where you need to hunt for content on torrents and have trouble with getting it to work on your device

Comment Re:There will be no GNOME 4. (Score 1) 378

Trolling... and you probably used GNOME 3 for something like 5 minutes.... My first impression was bad but then I switched to KDE, then to XFCE then to LXCE then Unity and I didn't like them as well. So I went back to GNOME 3 and started customization - GNOME Shell Extensions etc. etc. At the moment I am using GNOME 3 all the time and I am very happy with it - I think it is actually an improvement wrt GNOME 2. At the moment it is the best environment I ever used. I love it.

Comment Re:Have you actually tried to use GNOME 3? (Score 0) 396

> In all honesty, have you actually tried to use GNOME 3? Have you? I am using it for the last couple months and I am very happy. I've tried XFCE but G3 is much better. Agree you need modern graphics but: 1. you can customize the things you miss from G2 - I got apps menu, dock etc. 2. usage of Win key is just brilliant 3. dock extension is great - it replaces icons in the panel for me - coolest thing is customization - I hacked it so my dock is sensitive to my multi-monitor config and it always appears in best place for me 4. LookingGlass rocks - you can interactively hack your G3 5. I like the default Fedora 15 team a lot.

Submission + - New Theory Explains Periodic Mass Extinctions

i_like_spam writes: The theory that the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid impact, the K-T extinction, is well known and supported by fossil and geological evidence. Asteroid impact theory does not apply to the other fluctuations in biodiversity, however, which follow an approximate 62 million-year cycle. As reported in Science news, a new theory seems to explain periodic mass extinctions. The new theory found that oscillations in the Sun relative to the plane of the Milky Way correlate with changes in biodiversity on Earth. The researchers suggest that an increase in the exposure of Earth to extragalatic cosmic rays causes mass extinctions. Here is the original paper describing the finding.

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