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Comment Re:Get an academic on this pronto (Score 1) 282

That depends on whether you consider "Northern Canada" 1st world or not. I'm sure many of it's inhabitants would be happy just living in 2nd world conditions (visit most First Nations Reserves in any part of Canada and experience the 3rd world in North America).

Beside, most of Southern Canada, say bellow the 54th parallel is A.O.K. as far as internet and phone connectivity goes today. Well, except paying through the nose for a Gig of data (wired or wireless) compared to many parts of the world.

Comment Re:Just wait... (Score 1) 246

As a parent of a little girl who didn't live very long, I can tell you. Whatever time she's got is beautiful. Be it a century, a decade, a year, a month, a day, or just a minute.

At the same time, I can empathise with a parent who chooses to withhold care, and allow nature to take its course. Because that's sometimes kinder than the alternative.

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