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Comment Re:Fewer bug fixes? (Score 1) 287

"Occasionally, he pitches them to sign up as supporters of the Network Time Foundation, a nonprofit corporation he set up to receive donations for NTP. According to Stenn, they seldom do. In fact, just six companies support the foundation, with VMware the only household name among them."

I don't know why Apple (at least) doesn't make a donation. It's not like they don't have shitcakes of dough just sitting around, anyway.

Comment Re:He's an idiot... (Score 1) 389

I think you're spot-on about the watch market.
As for not understanding the Apple Kool Aid, their products do work better. I mean, you've used Windows, right? But what Apple does best is, to be well ahead of everyone else. Most of the "other products" are direct copes of Apple products. When the first Mac came out, everyone else, the few using computers, were still typing commands. Windows was a direct rip-off of Mac OS. Same with Android. It looks quite a bit like iOS. Apple "invented" the smart phone, then the imitators came. Much of what everyone takes for granted these days (in computing) was brought to us by Apple.

Comment Re:Nothing will make it interesting (Score 1) 169

I despise sports. Team sports. One on one sports. Contact sports. Group sports.

It's all paying ridiculous amounts of money to millionaire "athletes" to watch them play a game. I have nothing against playing games -- I have a thing against paying people to watch them do it.

I have no interest in professional sports, either. But I don't begrudge them the money. After all, there are people willing to pay to watch them. Really, most athletes are under-paid, with owners and other middlemen scooping up most of the dough, while it is the athletes whom people are paying to see.

Comment Re:More warming is a good thing (Score 1) 341

What are you talking about? We just saw a U.S. Senator, the Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, throw a snowball on the Senate floor, proving conclusively that global warming doesn't exist. Also, the Earth is only 6000 years old. You need to get your unscientific facts straight!

Comment Re:That is okay (Score 1) 301

A degree in "tech" is no proof against ignorance, is it? I have so little patience for this...
Not everyone who does well in school has the money to "invest" in higher education. Also, I like how you want us "uneducated box-pushers" to have a "living wage," but you begrudge us the means to get it, namely, by organizing, collective bargaining, and strikes. Your good wishes haven't helped much.
English major "doesn't count?" You know, not everyone views higher education as vocational training. Another thing to consider - not everyone can (or wants to be) be a "tech" worker. Some people have to make stuff. Others have to bring that stuff to you. Box pushing is as least as valuable as pixel pushing, don't you think?

Comment Re:Yes! (Score 1) 88

Yes, a spending problem. We spend far too much on the military, and too little on infrastructure, and other investments in the future. But it's not a money problem, it's a printing problem, or rather, a philosophical problem. Many in our government do not understand how a fiat currency, (or the economy), works.

Comment Re:Yeah, right (Score 1) 267

Yeah, my god, this article, if true, really blows my mind. Ninety-percent of what I see in comments sections is pure idiocy. It's difficult for me to imagine anyone looking at that dreck and taking it seriously. Of course, half the studies reported are reported incorrectly, or completely bogus themselves.

Comment Re:Who will take credit first? (Score 2) 277

It can't be easy to be "even-handed" with today's Republican Party. Believe me, I'm no supporter of The Democratic Party, but the Republican's have pulled much of the lunatic fringe under their "big tent." There's no comedy without stupidity, and the Republicans seem to excel in that.
As for the news being fake? It's all too real. The Daily Show is more informative than any other cable news show. This is not just my opinion, it's been studied, although it certainly is obvious. Only ideologues can, (and certainly will), argue with that.

Comment Re:Use to? (Score 1) 103

I *still* POP my mail down to my home PC from my ISP and Gmail, though I still have to periodically log into Gmail and purge "deleted" messages (what part of Delete don't you understand Google?).

Yeah, me too. But he's right in that there's been a movement away from POP to IMAP and especially to webmail. Judging from most people I know, I'd say most people access email via a webpage, and that their saved mail resides on the provider's server.
But even if, as you say, you download and delete from the server, there seems to be no guarantee it's gone from the server.

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