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Comment In the end, it depends on your skills (Score 1) 834

I have friends that have gotten very good jobs after their masters and others that haven't. If you're going to play probability than masters will offer you better chance for better paid jobs. But in the end, it'll be up to you on how you present yourself and the experience and knowledge that you have. If you think the master degree for whatever field will present you with more options, than definiately go for it. Else, get a job, get some proper experience. You can always get your degree at a later date when you know what you're doing.

Comment Big government entity ? (Score 3, Insightful) 358

What is with the paranoid underlying tone of the article ? "nefarious", could be "large government entity" ? When you have people that doesn't want the government to work (i.e last 8 year), we saw positions filled by political criteria rather than individual merits. It's time that the federal government have a organized response and start basing their decision based on scientific merits. All this sounds like is an information dissemination service ? Depending on the mandate of this new organization, what is wrong with organizing and have a focused approach on a large global issue ?

Comment Beta or Not (Score 1) 194

GMail was innovative and provided a better service than hotmail or yahoo did at that time. It forced the competitors to provide a much better package in the long run. I don't know why people are so hanged up on the beta naming.

Comment Re:it rocked (Score 5, Interesting) 852

The god explanation is such a cop out. It doesn't explain Kara or why it doesn't just try and influence or outright stop the genocide in the first place. I thought up to the Opera house scene, it was great and when Galen went nuts (he couldn't control his emotion when the fate of two civilization are in stake ?), there was just more questions raised than answers from that point on.

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