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Comment Re:Everyone a specialist now (Score 1) 474

i was once told ( never did verify it) that as many as 40% of the people in the world do not have sufficient IQ to understand the advanced Calculus like deferential equations. If that is the case then what percentage of the population can understand Quantum Mechanics.
Or worse yet, is it possible that fully understanding Quantum Mechanics is beyond the IQ of even the most intelligent human being?
If so , how would we know?

Comment Let me see here... (Score 1) 160

Should Android be more efficient, and every app it runs. OF COARSE. There is not such thing as efficient enough, but Google has to decide if it is worth
their money right now.

Should the network provide stop wining because their network is running up against the physics of
allowing too users on it and just fix the problem. Probably.

Sorry, but don't take on more subscribers then you can service. And if their are devices that you don't like their affect feel free to ban them.
If that doesn't make you money , that's called business. It's balance. Either provide what people want , or go out of business.

Comment Commercial or pure science. (Score 1) 756

I think of many good pure science reasons to establish colonies on the moon and beyond.
But can you make a case for profitability, beyond , perhaps driving innovation.
Tourism is unlikely to cut it , unless the cost can be brought WAY down and the same for any kind of materials, manufacturing or mining. The further away from the mood you go the worse that cost of transport becomes.

Why not drive innovation by colonizing the sea or the antarctica, both of which seem more useful and within our reach at this point.

Comment Re:Good luck getting the protestors to support tha (Score 1) 744

I've got to ask , why just apple?
something like 1/4 of the U.S. economy is run products that come from Chinese slave labor and or Asian "slave labor'.
Countries where workers aren't allowed to complain or they can be jailed or killed.

We SHOULD pass a law that says any product imported into this country must have been made under similar OSHA and EPA and FDA , standards as things made here. Including labor laws honoring a 40 hour work week and some kind of adjusted minimum wage.

We won't though. We like , our cheap stuff from , wall-mart, k-mart, and best buy ... WAAYY too much for that. Not to mention the fact is would probably tank our economy for a generation.

Comment Should a contract be allowed to supersede law? (Score 1) 908

I think the problem that most people are having is this.
There are existing laws, and therefore existing expectations that customers have , about what it means to 'buy' something.
You cant just go and change that agreement without making it clear to people what you are doing. Otherwise they have a right to be upset.

It is as simple as this:
If I knowingly create a situation , in which you are deceived into thinking you are buying something you are not, they I have lied to you and undermined our , previous, relationship. That is wrong.

I have to question if this use is even legal, ( I'm sure their are corporate lawyers all over this , but there is some grey area here).
The reality is the contracts cannot contravene consumer law.

For instance, it makes no difference what kind of contract you agree too. If you employer pays you less then minimum wage , even if you agreed to it in writing. You can turn around and sue you employer for the rest of your wages.

So, i understand why people are upset.

As far as , making money goes. If the game companies need more money for what they sell, they should
a) charge it.
b) make it easy to know and explicit what they expected to be paid and when.

Anything else is just fraud and there is no reason the consumer should tolerate it.

Comment Re:Should be illegal !! (Score 1) 543

I don't know anybody who leases a car, I guess somebody must somewhere because I keep hearing about it.
But leasing something is NOT owning it. And that is the difference. If I lease it from you, when it breaks down , YOU take it back and fix it , I just lease a different one. Hardware manufactures do leases as well, but that is not the model the XBox or software is using. If software is leased, rather then sold, then you have to actually sign a rental agreement for it.

Comment Re:Oh yes, software (Score 1) 630

what is a movie 'worth' ? how much metal does it contain if I melt it down? how long will it keep me alive if i eat it? What kind of protection will it give me from the weather?

There is a significant difference from an economic perspective between 'inherent value' and 'exchange value'.

Art, has an 'exchange value' it varies based on all kinds of things that have nothing to do with the materials it it took to make the movie.

So it is kind of a middle ground between currency and 'goods'. Currency has zero , value unless it is exchanged for something else. Movies , have a production cost, but no measurable material value , only emotional , which is why copyright is such a contentious issue. Otherwise the inherent, value of the copies would be equal to the value of the original and 'copying' a movie would cost as much as 'making' a movie.

Comment Re:Oh yes, software (Score 1) 630

I guess i wasn't clear, my point is software vs hardware has nothing to do with the real problem.
Both software and hardware are 'things' ... they are kinda of a middle ground I suppose because their value is dependent on you first possessing other 'things', what I was saying is we need , more engineer , manufacturing,
and production in this economy and relatively fewer 'waiters' 'customer service reps' 'hotel workers' and entertainers. Our economy is unhealthy waited in that direction.

Comment Re:Arrested for knowledge? WTF? - *No for intent* (Score 4, Insightful) 741

So what if his spirtial guidance turned out to be 'don't do it man'! ... you shouldn't punish people for being tempted, because EVERYONE is tempted to do what is wrong from time to time. It is only when they actually DO it that they have DONE something illegal.

Sorry , but the though police should have no place in the modern world, but Europe has never fully had the same ideas as america on that.
Our constitution was designed to allow for citizens to actually talk about plan and attempt to carry out a rebellion if the government every stopped listening too them, by people who had just recently done exactly that.
So, you are not supposed to be able to arrest people for 'treason speech' or 'intent' in this country ( the kings of Europe routinely did such things.) They expected oaths of loyalty and anyone who wouldn't take them could be punished etc. etc.

Comment How to bring work back to america !!! (Score 2) 630

1 ) require that any product SOLD in the united states be made under the same EPA and environmental laws we expect from our own manufactures.
2) require that any produce SOLD in the united states be made under similar OSHA and worker safety constraints, including a 40 h work week, medical benefits, unemployment benefits , and minimum wage adjusted by cost of living in that country.
3) if a countries laws do not ensure 2. The the company should bind itself to deliver those benefits to it's employees, using applicable contract law in the country it is in , or it will not be issued an import license.

Here is the reality check, we passed laws about worker safety and pay etc, because it is WRONG to treat your workers like slaves. Why should we permit the sale of things in this country that don't meet that standard.

We passed EPA and environmental laws in this country because it is WRONG to destroy the earth for future generations for nothing other then temporary profit. If it is wrong in the United states is it any less wrong in China ?

Either are laws are good laws because they are morally 'the right thing to do' in which case we have not excuse for buying things from people who do otherwise OR we should repeal those laws in this country.

Either way , if the playing field was equal on labor and cost of production due to regulation , the added shipping cost from a foreign country should make it necessarily to produce many commodity items here. Which would create massive numbers of U.S. jobs.

( it is also likely to have the bad effect in the short term of causing serious price inflation ,because all the cheap overseas products will be gone .. so you would have to phase this in slowly enough to allow everyone to adapt.)

Comment Re:Oh yes, software (Score 5, Insightful) 630

economies are based on the exchange of goods / services are only part of the economy if they produce goods, because wealth is a measure of accumulated material possessions. So if we all want to have more 'stuff' ... someone needs to do the work to make it.

The problem with our current economy is 70% of our jobs are in service not production. That is BAD, because basically we keep paying each other money ( aka wealth) that we did not create. It just moves around and the actual creation of wealth is being done overseas.

Comment Re:Who cares (Score 1) 239

If what you are saying is true , then occupy needs to do a much better job of actually publicizing and promoting solutions. It is one thing to have a 'discussion' it is entirely another thing to get people to all agree on a solution and then present it publicly.

Let me put it this way, because maybe I am simply ill informed, it happens from time to time, and if I am I apologize ahead of time for talking out my naval.

Can you provide me a link, that contains the demands or solutions that are officially supported by the occupy movement Nationally? If not how about for your group ? I want something that is official though, something that if I went and found the group leaders they would recognize and say. Yes we signed and support that , this represents the goals of our movement.

So far all I've seen is unofficial post of different kinds, but nothing a newspaper could publish as the 'official' occupy position.

Of the things I've seen some were good and even practical , some simply not well thought out.
For instance I support congressional term limits, I limit of 1 term. I'd have to investigate it a bit further ,but to me it seems like there should be no such thing as a professional politician, only people looking to help out the country.

I've also seen suggestions like 'eliminate personal property rights'
or forgive all debts owned by everyone in the country.

some of which might seem 'nice' or 'idyllic' but i think are along the same idea as the child who wishes 'it would never rain again' so she/he can play all outside all the time. Bad ideas because of untended consequences.

In short my web search turn up various , demands , but nothing that seems to be official on a large enough level to expect national laws to be passed to support it. The demands are contradictory some reasonable, some senseless.

So which ones are 'offical' and that was my point.

Comment Re:Who cares (Score 1) 239

are you talking about occupy UK? I'm talking about occupy wall street , a group that explicited decided not to make demands because they couldn't agree an what they should be and what they would do if anyone met them. I haven't followed 'occupy' in any other country as that is unlikely to affect the politics of my own, unless the group here adopts similar tactics. I'm all for getting corporate money out of politics.

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