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Comment Re:Science... Yah! (Score 4, Insightful) 958

Even without the added sugar, fruit juice is not good for you. It would be better to eat the original fruit than to take a bunch of them and run them through a juicer so you can get an instant sugar high. When you eat the original fruit it takes your body longer to extract and use the sugar.

Comment Use reading glasses (Score 1) 464

You can get reading glasses for less than twenty dollars that will work much better for computer work. I tried progressive glasses and had the same problems, after I lost the progressive glasses I grabbed a pair of reading glasses and it was so much better that I couldn't bring myself to replace the progressive glasses. When they start to show wear I replace them with another pair of reading glasses.

Comment Re:freedom 2 b a moron (Score 1) 1051

Some people can't get vaccinated because of medical reasons. Also vaccinations do not have a 100% effectiveness. If too many people decide to not get vaccinated then an outbreak could spread through all of those people and the ones where the vaccination didn't take as well as the people who could not get a vaccination. If the percentage of people who were successfully vaccinated is high enough then you will have individual cases here and there.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 1051

If your body is part of a society that is using vaccines to reduce or even eradicate a harmful disease then you need to realize that your "natural right" is violating the rights and safety of that society. Even if you become a hermit, unless you can guarantee that you will never physically interact with other humans, you are a risk.

If someone is against being vaccinated are they thinking "You will not expose me to weakened or dead microorganisms, and in return I will become a potential host for potent versions of those same microorganisms that I can then expose others to against their will". It seems hypocritical to be against the first but okay with the second. Or are they thinking nobody will get infected? We see outbreaks happening now, and you know it's not the vaccinated ones causing it.

I feel sorry for the children, they don't know any better. It reminds me of the children of "Christian Scientists" who die needlessly because their parents used prayer instead of modern medicine.

Comment Re:The "Protesters" (Score 1) 1128

I wouldn't call "Burning and looting stores" taking direct action against a failed system.

That type of behavior is like a child smashing things during a temper tantrum. It only causes them more problems and reinforces a negative image. Peaceful protests and programs that improve the neighborhood and youth programs would have been more beneficial.

A failed system isn't going to get fixed if they wage a violent war against it. They will only force it to use more resources against them. A lot of money and resources are wasted that could have been used to fund positive programs. I'm not saying that the wasted resources would have been used to fund positive programs, but there's not much chance now.

Comment Re:How about... (Score 1) 349

How long does it take for a virus to mutate?

I hear a lot of people talk about how Ebola is not very contagious and yet one of the largest epidemics is happening right now. Are we going to hear a statement in the future about how nobody predicted that it would mutate into a more contagious strain? We've been worried that H5N1 could mutate and cause a pandemic and it's less contagious than Ebola. If the Ebola virus ever mutates into a more contagious strain we're all dead, because by the time anyone figures it out it will be all over the planet via jet propulsion. Unless we quarantine before that happens. Quarantine before pandemic is more helpful than quarantine after pandemic.

How did the health care workers in Dallas catch Ebola? Were they vomited on? Nina Pham was wearing protective gear and she became infected! If a trained nurse wearing protective gear caught Ebola, then what chance do unprotected and untrained civilians have when they are unaware of any danger? A doctor treating Ebola victims comes back home and doesn't realize he caught it. I'm assuming he's experienced with Ebola and yet he did not realize that he was potentially infected. How is that possible? Was he lying(scary thought considering his behavior when he came back.) or is it possible that our understanding of this strain of Ebola lacking?

Comment Running through a category is not the norm. (Score 1) 412

It's rare that they run a category straight through. I'm used to watching the players jump around the different categories trying to find the "Double Doubles". It's been that way as long as I can remember, this isn't new. There's plenty of forums that discuss optimum strategies for finding the "Daily Doubles" and how to bet on "Final Jeopardy".

Other trends I have noticed is that they usually avoid the math and science categories, I hate that!

Comment Re:Kill capitol punishment! Kill it dead! (Score 1) 1038

You're outside the situation, as are most of us. You can't judge a situation that you have no emotional involvement in. For those who were directly affected, it is a lot different. Life imprisonment doesn't include torture or actual punishment, other than the fact that they lost their freedom. The people affected will constantly be aware of the fact that while he tortured and killed a woman and her unborn child, nobody was able to save her. But, there seems to be a lot people who wanted to save his life, give him a place to live, and take care of him for the rest of his life. He doesn't even have to work, he can just take it easy for the rest of his life. You're torturing the victims even more and turning society against them. What they want is obviously not an issue from his point of view when he killed that poor woman. They are the ones who were wronged, let them decide what they want for justice and closure.

It's too bad they couldn't turn back time and apply a "Justice Zone" effect like on "Red Dwarf". But I am sure there are people who would think that was cruel and unusual punishment.

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