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Comment Re:Does It (Score 1) 35

I’ll never know. That feature made Google Maps so unusable (specifically: When driving I had to swipe around that crap just to see a map - it made using maps dangerous) that I switched to Apple Maps as my default and haven’t looked back.

Sounds like they doubled down on making maps not actually maps, so there’s no point in going back to Google Maps. (That and the whole Google pivacy issue)

Comment Qualified Yes... (Score 5, Interesting) 177

I would pay for YouTube (and Facebook and other sites) if they were simply pay for the upkeep of the service and there was no tracking, ads, creepy stuff, or excessive profit taking. Just a solid service that let you share videos and nothing else (or just a social network and nothing else). Cost of running the service plus a reasonable profit for YouTube to invest in its future (cost + 20%, for instance).

With a few hundred million users paying, say $5/month, you should have no problem running a site like that. Especially since by paying users will have more of a sense of ownership and we’d likely get a more well behaved user base.

Of course, that’s not anywhere near the world we’ve created and now that the data collection/selling cat is out bag, I don’t see investors ever letting us go back. There’s just too much money to be made the current way.

(PS: if there are any investors reading this and interested in trying, DM me... Iet’s workshop this idea... :) )

Comment Re:290 employees laid off - oh my, really? (Score 1) 42

Yes, really. And all those employees are no flooding the Austin job market looking for jobs for experienced engineers. Austin does not have those jobs* and many of them are scrambling to find jobs in other cities while uprooting their families.

I live here and know many of these engineers. The ones who saw it coming have already moved out.

*Don't believe the hype about Austin. Most of the tech jobs in Austin are back office IT jobs at Visa, GM, Schwab, and Apple or customer support and sales jobs at Apple, Facebook, and Google. They're good jobs, but they're just not high-end engineering jobs. There aren't many good jobs for experienced hardware or software engineers in Austin. I've been hiring software engineers in Austin for over a decade and always struggle to find any seniors. Lots of juniors and people who should be senior but lack the skills.

Comment It's cinema: Look at the source material (Score 2) 225

What's missing in Scorsese's argument is a proper treatment of the source material for the Marvel movies. They are based on _comic books_. As a life long reader of comics and fan of film, I appreciate how the Marvel movies have been handled. They respect the storytelling and character development methods from comics.

Mainstream comics are designed to be somewhat throwaway at the level of the individual issue. The real stories play out over entire series as complex worlds and characters are built. I'd argue that this is exactly what the Marvel movie franchises have done. Rather than cheapened cinema, they've introduced a new, expanded language for telling stories across multiple films. They've even borrowed that comic tradition of "re-boots" when story lines are exhausted in the current timeline yet the fan base would like more stories.

Storytelling mediums evolve and borrow from other mediums. That's all that's happened here.

Comment Re:No, no, no... (Score 1) 63

More to the point: there is no scientifically-based definition of ethnicity (or race, which is what I think OP was really referring to). The closet we have are regional and cultural similarities and ancestry. The former are what's in play here (vocalizations) - you can tell what region some is from based on their language, but a white toned and a dark toned person from the same region will sound the same. Ancestry is closer to what most people consider ethnicity, but it has no bearing on how you sound when you speak.

Some cultural communities have managed to maintain relatively "pure" bloodlines (certain Jewish populations, for example), but for the most part, everyone's a mutt and more closely related than not and there's no scientific way to classify people into ethnicities or races.

Here's a good primer on the topic: https://www.nationalgeographic...

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