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Comment Re:Switzerland (Score 3, Insightful) 157

I love the obsession with "socialism" in the US. Forget about commies and pinkos, here come muslims and socialists. Oooh, next Hollywood nightmare scenario: Socialist Muslims! That would scare the pants off you.

You know, Switzerland and other "socialist" European countries have strict belief in private property. If you Yanks would be able to handle the thing called nuance, you'd realize there are shades of gray.

Comment Re:Iran had a secular democracy (Score 1) 585

Please don't tar us all with the same brush. USA != west, and establishment != the people. The middle east is also not the only region getting US special coup d'état treatment - see Chile, Bay of Pigs etc.

If you follow western media, you do read about Saudi & women. In fact very recently.

Comment Re:In Other News... (Score 1) 585

"Almost never happens ... biology ... blargh ... spew"

On what planet? Numerous studies show women getting paid less doing the same work and having the same training and experience

Personal experience confirns - almost straight out of uni myself with nontech degree and female colleague with maths degree, doing the same technical work, I got paid better. Could not understand why.

Comment Flashback (Score 2) 38

Oleg Kononenko, Don Pettit, Andre Kuipers, Gennady Padalka ... Bill Severn and Tracey Morris. Team picked. Plasma rifles and stun rods - check. Auto-cannons and power suits - check. Skyranger fuelled and ready. Time to kick some sectoid ass!

Comment Re:AV companies outside their element? (Score 4, Informative) 233

Pretty much what Mikko Hypponen is saying in the article:

The truth is, consumer-grade antivirus products can’t protect against targeted malware created by well-resourced nation-states with bulging budgets. They can protect you against run-of-the-mill malware: banking trojans, keystroke loggers and e-mail worms. But targeted attacks like these go to great lengths to avoid antivirus products on purpose. And the zero-day exploits used in these attacks are unknown to antivirus companies by definition. As far as we can tell, before releasing their malicious codes to attack victims, the attackers tested them against all of the relevant antivirus products on the market to make sure that the malware wouldn’t be detected. They have unlimited time to perfect their attacks. It’s not a fair war between the attackers and the defenders when the attackers have access to our weapons.

Comment Re:Article Summary in English (Score 1) 545

That's the Nature article.

The article in The Register, also linked in the summary, is a blatant and deliberate misrepresentation of the Nature article. The Reg author quotes the Nature article, but leaves out vital parts to twist its meaning to the exact opposite. The Nature article says you should present the best available science in a value neutral manner, but the Reg is trying to say the authors want to abandon good science and just spew pro-AGW propaganda.

Ironically this just proves the point of the Nature article. If you're a climate change denialist, you're likely to be blinkered and will read anything as supporting your own case.

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