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Comment Re:How old are you? (Score 1) 236

I would love to see the demographics of folks who still go to drive-in theaters.

And if the demographic is baby-boomers or older, then drive-ins are doomed because those folks are going to just die.

Hipsters? When the fad of retro-whatever-they-do wears off, that market will dry up.

I had a lot of fun going to the drive-in theater (2 screens, double headers on both) in Abilene, Texas, when I went to college there. That was in the 2002-2006 year range, I'm 29 now; hardly close to pushing up daisies. There's also a multi-screen complex about 30 minutes south of Dallas that I went to some years ago; I want to take my kids, maybe make it a group thing, when the kids get a little older.

Drive-ins are fun experiences, and I think some places let you pay "per car", it can be cheaper for larger groups. You can bring a pick-nick basket of food and save a ton of money.

Comment Re:isn't wifi like the old layer 1 hubs? (Score 2, Informative) 144

Very informative, nice post. A couple of comments.

First, there are three nonoverlapping channels for 802.11b/g. So there's 11 channels, but transmitting on channel 1 means that you are putting noise on channels 1-5; transmitting on channel 6 means that you are putting noise on 1-10; and transmitting on channel 11 puts noise on 7-11. If you transmit on channel 3, that means you are disrupting 1-8, so it's best to simply use 1, 6, and 11.

5Ghz doesn't have as much of a saturation problem because of the smaller distance that a usable signal travels. Sure, 24Ghz would be even better, but then I wouldn't be able to use the signal on my driveway or probably even my bedroom. I can see 24Ghz being good for apartment use, or college dorms, although dorms should have their own wifi.

Comment Re:GET READY.... (Score 1) 242

I don't mind younger or older, either is fine with me. The only gripe I can see in my now 15 second old research of the man I have never previously heard of before is that IMDB has some really unflattering photos of him where he looks positively frail. Shortest lived Doctor ever.... regenerates walk to the first set of stairs falls and breaks a hip and 2 days later regenerates because pneumonia is killing him.

I'd say he's perfect for the role of the 13th Doctor...the final Doctor.

Comment Re:There is only one way... (Score 2) 195

You might get a couple of freebies with his contact info but I suspect it'd be better policy for an installation this size to set up a paid arrangement with the outgoing sysadmin. I'm not in IT so I don't know what precedents there are around this, but relying on him to reply for free just seems against human nature.

This is great advice. A two-week after-hours contract with the admin for after he leaves is a great investment.

Comment Re:compelled speech and/or perjury? (Score 1) 339

Can the government force me to make a public statement, attesting that it's true?

Because it seems to me that the government using my private keys to sign a packet that I didn't create is substantially similar.

Bull. It's no different than the government forging your signature. They aren't compelling speech, they are forging a document.

Comment Re:I don't know about the 'cluster' mailboxes. (Score 1) 867

Wikipedia states that in 2011 we spent $49.5 billion on foreign aid, out of a budget of 3540 billion (3.54 trillion). That means that foreign aid is ~1.4% of the budget. But that aid makes us look a lot better on the international stage, at least to those who pay attention. 134 million for child survival, 1.89 billion for food, 29 million to fight AIDS. Are you saying that the post office delivering mail to your doro is more important to you than feeding children who would otherwise starve?

Comment Re: I don't know about the 'cluster' mailboxes. (Score 1) 867

I say screw USPS, can't remember the last time they delivered a letter I wanted and UPS and FedEx will be happy to deliver packages

Perhaps you could try writing a letter to someone, and maybe get one in return? People love physical mail, and have for a thousand years; that's why the postal service is basically the only government service in the Constitution.

Comment Re:I don't know about the 'cluster' mailboxes. (Score 3) 867

Because the money we give Egypt isn't enough to save the postal service.

Because we are essentially leasing desert training grounds from Egypt--training grounds that saved American lives in both Iraq wars, and probably in 'actions' that we've never heard of. And having those unexploded munitions lying in their desert, instead of ours, means that it's not our children (or other citizens) who get blown up by them.

And besides, 30 million Americans is less than 10% of the population. The price difference means that it costs the same to deliver to those 30 million Americans with door service, as it does 47 million Americans with curbside service. Why should my tax dollars support special treatment for 10% of Americans?

Comment Re:Legal (Score 2) 176

Actually, in this case it means quite the opposite; investing your bitcoins in something (a scam in particular) is worse than investing _in_ bitcoins.

If the investors had merely been sitting on their bitcoins they would have gotten the returns he promised (although in dollar value).

Apparently, trusting your money to someone whose username begins with "pirate" is a good way to get your savings keelhauled.


Comment Re:Living in California... (Score 1) 262

I'd love the police to just be able to scan vehicles to see which are active, which plates do not match vehicles and which vehicles have insurance.

We are plagued by people who do not have valid registrations, borrow or steal plates and have no insurance.

Bust 'em on the spot.

This would make it more difficult for criminals to steal cars; they'd have to take some extra time to disable the tracking device and put some out-of-state plates on the car.

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