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Comment Re:Worse is better (Score 1) 169

My favorite fucked up PHPism has always been:

$$space_var = "this is some content";
print $$space_var;

Which puts a nice variable named $"THIS IS A STUPID VARIABLE WITH SPACES IN ITS NAME" into your global namespace.

Comment Re:My /etc/hosts is REALLY long (Score 1) 527

You should talk to that jackass who posts on every story even remotely related to routing or DNS complaining that in Vista MS no longer allows for 64.90. to be a valid address and now needs the whole thing, or some such shit... I try to block it out so I am sure I am missing something. Although, I do seem to remember him spouting some nonsense about his hosts file now being 25MB in size... WTF!? What sort of bumbling moron would have a 25MB hosts file?

Comment Re:Completely not funny. (Score 1) 70

They should be scared! There are many projects out there that have "Creative Commons" clauses (see Laconica and it's implementation for example) that force all content in the system out into the public ether. I won't go into detail about whether this is wrong or right (it is VERY wrong!) but any business that wants to use any project that exists out there already (particularly GPLed ones) should look very long and hard at the licensing ramifications.

Comment Re:GCC avoids high level interprocedural optimizat (Score 0, Flamebait) 191

wait... is there someone who actually understands economics on ./? Someone who understands that hundreds/thousands of hours of work on software is actually worth... GASP!... Money!? Someone who understands that maybe... just maybe... giving away the code that you spent a lot of money/time/effort on does not make sense?

There is good reason I own the domain...

Comment Re:Google's Right (Score 1) 92

The 'easier' part really bugs me. For example, a common scenario for using something like using GoogleDocs is when creating an RFP. The company will say that since many people will have their hands in the document that it makes sense for it to be in a collaborative environment. To which I say, maybe you don't NEED 10 people editing the document? Maybe what you need is a workflow that actually works and a document keeper who is charge of slipstreaming all changes. I can't even begin to count the number of times I have had hours of work wiped out by someone on my "team" who made edits in a section of the document they had no business editing.

Comment Re:Google's Right (Score 1) 92

The last company I worked with insisted on using GoogleDocs and Basecamp for all sorts of critical customer information, over my very loud protests. Considering the industry they are in (read: one with some pretty heavy regulation) I was absolutely baffled at this decision. Alas I was over-ruled because it was "cheaper" and "pretty secure". Then again this is a company where the CEO kept a list of passwords on their monitor and never, ever, ever locked their workstation (usually with Outlook prominently displayed and sitting un-watched on a conference table).

I don't have a problem with GoogleDocs (or even, begrudgingly, Basecamp) per se... but it makes me crazy when companies put proprietary and/or sensitive information out on the cloud and don't even consider the security ramifications.

Comment Re:CRAAP (Score 1) 619

Don't bitch, you can't even upgrade Windows Mobile at any price...

That is utter horseshit. I have (legally even!) upgraded Windows Mobile several times... even major (5 to 6.1 for example). Sometimes the carrier will release a new ROM and sometimes the manufacturer releases the ROM. And guess what... always free.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
