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Comment Re:Well ... (Score 3, Informative) 298

A sextant can find longitude through the lunar distance method, comparing the moon's position to that of a reference star and looking up that position in a Nautical Almanac to find Greenwich Time. This method was actually discovered a few years after the marine chronometer was invented, but was the dominant method during the 18th century because of the insane cost of chronometers at the time.

A sextant is also needed to find the local time at your current location regardless of whether you use a chronometer or the moon to find GMT, so it's at the least half of the process in finding longitude either way.

Comment Re:fuck you Jono. (Score 1) 62

Oh, PS:

The content of this communication clearly demonstrates lack of approval, but is still very unspecific about what they dislike about my record. The tone is quite rude and disrespectful, and the context appears to be passive (not the result of an argument, for example). Given the tone and the fact I don't know the person and they are outside of my target audience, I would ignore this. It is trolling...don't engage, just ignore and enjoy your life. Let's file this in disagreeable; it is quite rude and disparaging, but it is not abusive or threatening. [Bacon 2014]

Comment Re:fuck you Jono. (Score 1) 62

Even though you have a book about dealing with being flamed, but it would be way more enjoyable for Slashdot readers if they could just enjoy the "Slashdot experience" and just write trash about you without having to worry about you reading it.

I'm not really familiar enough with you to be able to libel you, but I'm sure there are at least some folks who would be enjoying themselves far more if they hadn't seen your name in the comments section. It has a chilling effect on discussion.

Comment Easy to use for who? (Score 1) 281

Microsoft Access is designed for people with good intuition in computing but little technical knowhow to be able to build simple databases and database related applications by themself. This is not to say that the systems built are easier to use than something built using a competing system or the databases are easier to maintain, but simply that it takes less learning to build them.

So, if you already know how to use Django/MySQL, then why not? Take the time you didn't spend learning a different platform and spend it designing a better User Experience for your end users, really make it easy to use for the people who use it day to day.

And honestly, whatever tool that you are just hearing about today is probably too obscure and poorly supported to be handed off to a new maintainer in future. Access is well known and well supported with plenty of people familiar with its operation, yet so is MySQL, and MySQL also has ample information online as well as Worbench and other tools to make its operation easier for whatever less technically adept person this is thrust upon when you're no longer there. There may well be more intuitive systems out there, but they do not have the benefit of having 10,000 relavent google results for any question typed in.

Comment Re:Space programs as a crowbar? (Score 2) 522

Sure the majority of the people in eastern Ukraine might want to belong to Russia, but those people have only lived there since the 40s through the 70s for the most part. In which case I propose they just move back to Russia, and leave Ukraine to the ethnic groups that were cleared out.

The median age in the Ukraine is 40, meaning half of people were born during or after 1974 and thus have no home on the Russian side of the border. So you would have them pack up and find a new city for the convenience of certain people (Crimean Tatars I think you mean) that have been living outside the area for 60 years? I can't think of how that could possibly make you any better than Josef Stalin that kicked the Tatars out of their homes in WWII, maybe worse, since he at least had the excuse of alleged Nazi collaboration.

Comment Fall of the Republic, birth of the Empire. (Score 5, Insightful) 384

The article itself quotes historians saying "One could even say that [concrete] played a significant role in bringing down the [Roman] Republic" due to concrete being used in Pompey and Caesar's civic building programs, then starts the title of the article "Downfall of the Roman Empire", which was a completely different sequence events that started centuries later.

The awkward truth of the matter here is, at the time she wrote the article, the author didn't realise that the historians quoted were describing the events that lead to the birth of the Roman Empire and not the death.

Comment Re:Easy answers (Score 1) 305

Am I the only one who finds arbitrary restrictions in games, either because the technology couldn't cope, or because the game designer knows how you want to play better than you do, or just because, really annoying? If there's a door there, it should open. If it won't open, there shouldn't be a door there. How hard is this?

Easy answer, almost impossible.

Buildings have doors, how many buildings do you want in this game? Is this game set outdoors in a city how many doors can you see? Now, consider that on the other side of the door must now exist a room, for example a 20 floor building must have 20 individually created floors, devided into maybe 30 apartments for a residentual building or say 4 for a commercial building which are each going to need some their own assets or they are going to look the same. Lets say optimistically 200 man hours per floor to get it to fairly rough quality (skip concept art and iteration, re-use most assets), 20 floors per building, that's 4,000 man hours per building which at $30 an hour (average for 3d artists in US) is $120,000. One building, done poorly with absolutely nothing interesting inside.

So what do you want to do? Have a game with no buildings? But buildings work well in games and players play well in cities! Have no doors in buildings? But that would look strange! Have a game where all the buildings are the same inside? But that would defeat the purpose of having them, since players would have no reason to enter them!

One of the key thing about making a better game, nomatter from design, art, engineering is not adding more but working out clever ways of not doing things. Time and money are finite, GTA 5 cost $135 million to make, the vast majority of which was spent adding detail to the world, but most buildings are still empty shells. The key is to cue players to not notice what you don't have.

The problem you have with Tomb Raider is not a detail problem but a communication problem. From a design problem they have failed to communicate to you what can be grabbed and what cannot. Sure, they could have gone the Assassin's Creed route and procedually made everything grabbable, but Assassin's Creed's climbing wasn't much fun at all for that very reason, there was no searching and pondering aspect, you just push him in the general direction and he climbs. So it leaves you with the problem of making an attractive environment with a finite amount of interaction and they handled it, imperfectly, but as best they could.

The thing is, when making a game, adding more is not always possible. Skill in design means making the same amount seem like more.

Comment Re:education doesn't work (Score 1) 306

When mentioning the positions of government officials online, it's a good idea to mention the country of the government they serve in, i.e.

It is interesting to realize that in 2001 (before 9/11) George W Bush did meet the Sweedish Social Democratic party leader and then prime minister Göran Persson who earlier was heading the schooling department.

The same of course would apply to former American President George W Bush, if you had mentioned his position.

Comment Re:What about a re-implementation... (Score 1) 304

Every so called "safer" language (than C) is also less efficient.

Depending on what you're doing. Compiled languages without pointers (such as Fortran and Pascal) are usually much faster for mathematical tasks, since side effects are so few (essentially concerning globals only), the compiler can much more easily automatically vectorise, reorder, factorise and unroll code. They also happen to be more safe, since you cannot simply tell the computer to write at a memory address, buffers can be bounds checked and so no overflows or underflows.

Problem is, they generally suck for IO, which is why they aren't used for SSL. Still, you should qualify where they are less efficient.

Comment I don't care if he was supporting a bill to impos (Score 4, Insightful) 1116

I don't care if he was supporting a bill to impose shariah on California, or give tax breaks to encourage polygamous marriage, or circumcise all males that enter the state. I don't have to agree with him, I can campaign against him, but it is still his right to think that.

The right to free political involvement is where all other rights come from. Once you permit someone to be harassed for their political beliefs, no-matter how abhorrent they are to you, then whatever your rights are will soon become subject to the whims of those who have the most power to harass their opponents.

Being against anything to the extent that it overrides your civility is the basic core of intolerance. History has been full of groups who have seen their cause as being more important than basic civility such as KKK, Taliban, Supreme Harmony Society, Hutu militia, Red Guards, some US Civil War era democrat politicians, and the result has always been roughly the same. To my knowledge Eich was not practicing uncivil behavior towards gays by discriminating against them or using slurs against them, he just supported a bill. This bill, you might believe is discriminatory in nature, but that decision in a democracy is up to the people and their representatives, and at the very least we all have the right to put forward any question for the people to decide on.

Comment Re:Obligatory Fight Club (Score 0) 357

watching business owners whine about unfair it is that they have to provide birth control as part of their insurance plan

If you've ever been a manager you would know damn well why any company pays for contraceptives. Basically, it is just so much cheaper and less disruptive than maternity leave that it would be stupid not to pay it. Hell, most managers would ram the Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill down their female employees throats if they were legally able.

In reality, contraceptives are such a small and predictable cost that you don't really need to be insured against them. It's not charity, it's business, and if anything, not providing them shows a respect to the privacy of their employees sexuality.

Comment Re: Tarzan need antecedent (Score 1) 824

No, that's gun possession. In the "rest of the world" we still have plenty of country's that hang you for sodomy.

Anyway, if folks think fornicators should be flogged and those who practice fellacio and cunnilingus even in marriage should be imprisoned and a widower's marriage to his late wife's sister should be null and void, it is still a political matter. Just because you or I think something is incorrect or unimportant does not make it not an issue.

Comment Re: Options (Score 2) 107

DirectX has been MS only since it's inception, it has always had the implication of whatever you are making not being able to use of windows.

The difference now is that OpenGL is no longer crap and DirectX is no longer the clear front runner, so people can start saying again "hey, why am I using DX?" Rather than taking for granted that it is better for games.

Comment Re: Ridiculous. (Score 1) 914

In other news: a guillotine can slice only once, but, through a smaller knife, understanding of anatomy and use of tourniquets, many thousands of fairly deep cuts can be administered on a living prisoner, allowing far more substantial sentences to be given.

Ridiculous, this sadist should be sent off to The Hague right now while she is only guilty of conspiracy, if she be allowed to put it into practice, she may be sentenced to a term that she is unable to serve, and this would be simply immoral.

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