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Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 288

Judges, lawyers, court clerks, and bailiffs.. all are duty bound to report any and all violations they see or hear about.

As for not getting thrown of the jury for being college educated, technical professional.. easy .. neither lawyer had any challenges left after the swap.

In my case, the lawyers both used up their 3 free challenges and couldn't find any cause to remove additional potential jurors. So 12 people impaneled for a murder of a child case. Then the lawyers looked at the make up of the jury... 11 women, 1 man.. so the defense lawyer called for a rotation of the potential jurors. (96 people called - 15 excused for various reasons mostly age young or old, leaving 81 people sitting in numbered chairs .. at the finish of jury selection anyone sitting in seats 1-12 were the jury, the rotation consisted a basically of randomly calling a row number to replace another row.. so rows 1 and 2 were dismissed.. I had the misfortune of sitting on called row). After the rotation, the jury was 7 women, 5 men.. which is about as balanced as can be expected with the degree of randomness involved.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 288

The problem is the circle of friends. If you violate the judges orders, you are in contempt of court no matter where you are.. Within 3 degrees of separation, my wife and I know probably 100 couples (so 200) people that are connected to the court. All it takes is one off handed remark in the presence of any of those 200 people to start an investigation and possibly get you sited with contempt (probably a light sentence if the judge determines it had no material affect on the out come of the trial vs a potentially substantial penalty -- felony record with jail time in Texas if the judge determines there needs to be a retrial.)

So, I guess it is all up to how willing you are to risk a felony record and a few years of jail time for not following instructions.

I would suggest that if you do violate the judge's orders, don't get divorced for the next 3-5 years, as your spouse might just decide to inform the courts of your wrong doing. :-)

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 288

Then how are you going to stay caught up at work?

        I won't I'm on jury duty and can't use the internet.

You needed to raise this issue with the judge. I'm sure* an exception should have been carved out for you to continue to do your job in the evening.

* IANAL, or ever was in the same situation, but judges tend to be fairly reasonable to important issues when it's totally discresionary on their part.

Well in my situation, the response from the Judge was that is an economic situation and economic situations are specifically covered by the law. Here in Texas Judges are not allowed to make any exceptions for economic situations. Get called for jury duty, which will impact your attendance leading to you being fired. Tough. It is against the law to fire or punish someone for being called for jury duty. However, your only recourse is to sue your company and it is d*mn hard to prove that they fired you for being on a jury.

Comment Re:Good luck ever seating a jury again! (Score 3, Informative) 288

Yeah, I'm certainly not going to agree to being sentenced to weeks of solitary confinement without having myself been accused of a crime. Even prisoners get to receive visitors and make phone calls.

Watch out, refusing to serve jury duty is punishable by jail time ...

No jury would convict on that!

In Texas, it is defined as contempt of court and only requires the judge to sentence you.. no trial involved.

Comment Re:Good luck ever seating a jury again! (Score 1) 288

Yeah, I'm certainly not going to agree to being sentenced to weeks of solitary confinement without having myself been accused of a crime. Even prisoners get to receive visitors and make phone calls.

Watch out, refusing to serve jury duty is punishable by jail time, which is suspect isn't as much fun as serving on a jury :-)

Best way to avoid being selected for a jury is to serve on one that convicts someone and selects a harsh sentence. If you achieve this you will forever be on the defense attorney's free strike list.

Comment Re:And? (Score 3, Interesting) 288

The issue is people using the internet to look up information that they have been told they can't use when deliberating.

Things like the defendants personal wealth, criminal record, information on "evidence" that has been ruled inadmissible or just plain trying to stir up public opinion in an effort to sway the court.

On the flip side some defendants have tried harassing jurors via their personal electronics or having some one physically show up at a jurors residence or place of work.

However, given that most juries are not sequestered, this like all the other instructions depend on honesty of the juror and the people they associate with.

Having been on a non-sequestered jury for a murder trail, it is a pain in the butt to go home after a day in the jury box and not be able to watch the evening news, read the days newspaper,just surf the internet or discuss with your significant other (all things banned by the judge in his instructions).

How was your day?

Jury duty all day.

What type of case?

Can't tell you.

How long will it last?

Can't tell you?

I'm going to bed, will you watch the news and tell me what the weather will be like tomorrow?

Sorry, I can't watch the news.

Well, then look it up on the internet.

Sorry, I'm not allowed to use the internet.

Then how are you going to stay caught up at work?

I won't I'm on jury duty and can't use the internet.

and on and on and on

Comment Re:Grudgingly, impressed. (Score 1) 173

Except that, if this relies on customers making a decision, it's dead.

Modern computers support IPv6. Modern consumer-level routers don't necessarily (mine doesn't), so the connectivity provider needs to provide and/or recommend equipment that does. Provide connection instructions that start up both IPv4 and IPv6. Leave the customer out of it, since 99% of customers don't know what IP is in the first place.

If the customer really, really wants to know what is the advantage for him.. the simple answer is continued access to the internet.


Claims of Himalayan Glacier Disaster Melt Away 561

Hugh Pickens writes "VOA News reports that leaders of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have apologized for making a 'poorly substantiated' claim that Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035. Scientists who identified the mistake say the IPCC report relied on news accounts that appear to have misquoted a scientific paper — which estimated that the glaciers could disappear by 2350, not 2035. Jeffrey Kargel, an adjunct professor at the University of Arizona who helped expose the IPCC's errors, said the botched projections were extremely embarrassing and damaging. 'The damage was that IPCC had, or I think still has, such a stellar reputation that people view it as an authority — as indeed they should — and so they see a bullet that says Himalayan glaciers will disappear by 2035 and they take that as a fact.' Experts who follow climate science and policy say they believe the IPCC should re-examine how it vets information when compiling its reports. 'These errors could have been avoided had the norms of scientific publication including peer review and concentration upon peer-reviewed work, been respected,' write the researchers."

Comment Re:HP (Score 5, Insightful) 430

I think most people would blame Carly Fiorina. She effectively took HP out of the hands of the engineers who made the company great, and put it squarely into the hands the shareholders who were concerned only with short-term stock price during the dotcom bubble. She spurred a massive shift in culture that killed off the innovation that they were famous for, obliterated morale throughout the company, and generally made it an undesirable place to work. The Compaq acquisition was just one aspect of her failure.

sarcasm on

Isn't that the function of Great CEOs... first drive the company into the ground will getting multi-million dollar bonus for cost reductions and stock value, then sell it to some hedge fund at a profit of 2 or 3x the share price for all share holders, which always includes the hedge fund paying the execs to exercise their options on 10s of millions of shares, thus increasing, yet again, shareholder value. Ah..the bright side of capitalism

sarcasm off

Seriously, so many at the Executive level haven't got a clue about what their company does and to make up for it simply rely on what the bean counters are telling them.


Best Man Rigs Newlyweds' Bed To Tweet During Sex 272

When an UK man was asked to be the best man at a friend's wedding he agreed that he would not pull any pranks before or during the ceremony. Now the groom wishes he had extended the agreement to after the blessed occasion as well. The best man snuck into the newlyweds' house while they were away on their honeymoon and placed a pressure-sensitive device under their mattress. The device now automatically tweets when the couple have sex. The updates include the length of activity and how vigorous the act was on a scale of 1-10.

Comment Re:False Advertising (Score 1) 441

Does this mean I can get out of my 2 year contract then? This is blatant false advertising and breach of contract. I did not get an iPhone to have stone-age metered internet access.

Highly unlikely as there is probably some astrisk or footnote stating that unlimited doesn't really mean unlimited and that it is not their fault if you failed to have your attorney approve the agreement before you signed it.

And by the way the ToS, specifically states that AT&T can change the cost of the unlimited-pda-smartphone-iphone data plans at will.

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