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Comment Re:Freezy Freakies (Score 3, Informative) 174

Please note that in the Netherlands, it rarely snows more than a few centimeters. Most of that snow is tackled by road salt. Furthermore, what does happen, is rain or sleet freezing up the roads, resulting in black ice which is almost invisible in the dark. Normally, I shun warning labels instead of prudent driving, but this idea is IMHO pretty nifty.

Comment Re:ironic... (Score 1) 182

...with abundant food...

Now here's something that irks me, although not by fault of the owners/companions. I have had several budgies. One vet told me that standard issue parakeet food is like Big Macs for parakeets, i.e. very fatty, unhealthy and hardly nutritious. So actually, while I thought that I was feeding my parakeets properly, I actually wasn't.

I never felt guilty for keeping parakeets. When properly trained, they are very social and intelligent and they appear quite happy for your companionship. However, in the end it appeared that I have been consistently poisoning them, even while making sure they would not overeat. That made me decide not to buy a new parakeet.

Long story short, even if pets get a proper home with food and protection, it may not be beneficial by definition, regardless of the owner's intentions.

Comment Re:most coders are too inexperienced (Score 1) 317

I wouldn't say coding is hard.

Coding is not hard. Being the one to do the grunt work is. You'll always be on the bottom of the corporate ladder and in the middle of the shit storm, regardless of skill and experience. You can either stop caring or switch careers. At 36, I am still in doubt which one it will be.

Another thing making it hard to be a (non-freelance) coder, is that most of the time is spent on either trivial stuff or uninteresting problems. I know several coders who would love to work in innovative projects, but are forced to do something spirit crushingly boring like generating excel sheets from a software package from 1997 or something.

Comment Re:First generation EeePC (Score 1) 339

I'd agree, but please note that the battery life on a first generation EEEPC is horrible. If the battery is still good (which it probably isn't), you get three hours of battery life. Also: the SSD is way too small for a decent-sized distro, and the Celeron 900 (!) tends to run hot over time. Perhaps I'd buy a slightly newer model, and swap the HDD for a SSD.
That being said, my EEE900 is still going strong and very portable. I even carry it in my tank bag on my motorcycle.

Comment Re:Microsoft and Law Enforcement Agencies (Score 1) 132

Of course Apple and Google do the same things for their phone OSes. And then there's those god damn open source commies who want an authoritarian government - they must do, there are rather a lot of Linux based forensics tools. Microsoft is giving away technology at no cost to help law enforcement gather data from computers? So is open source. Get over your bad self.

Comment Re:The Most Secure Mobile OS (Score 0) 291

Other OSs achieve better security by DESIGN

Then perhaps you ought to look at the Windows Phone design. Aside from the limited ability to do stuff that each app is constrained by (and the checking of those permissions by the marketplace publishing process) applications are isolated from each other, both in terms of memory access and file system access. What it does lack is full device encryption.

MS Whitepaper on Phone Security

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