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Comment Re:Definately an (Score 0, Informative) 212

I just called customer service to claim my 2 year extended service, afforded to customer's effected by last weeks outage (according the the article above). I was told that they haven't received authorization to provide that. I replied that I wanted my account canceled in which case I was hung up on. Looks like I'll be going with another anti-virus company on the next go around.

Comment Re:Who exactly is fighting back? (Score 1, Insightful) 641

It's ironic we're talking about "fast and loose with facts" when the topic at hand is how the climate warming/cooling (which is it folks?) researchers who for years distorted findings for additional research money and to regulate private industry under the auspices of championing environmental agendas.

Their credibility is shot.

Comment Re:Groovy (Score 1, Interesting) 667

Speed is scalable with hardware so I'm not concerned about Java there. My main concern is whether youth can overcome the environmental hurdles that comes with Java. MS got it write with .NET. Setting up MS's framework is effortless which may attract those who don't wish to fight the platform to incorporate lucene or red5 to their project.

The future of Java will depend on standardization of cross project support. It's gotta be easy like connecting legos.

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score -1, Troll) 130

For me the only good spot is somewhere in the middle, accepting social needs and human motivation.

Let's take the U.S.'s newly socialized health care system for example: What it basically says is, "Dear Doctors, despite your dedication and persistence to the craft of medicine, you will not be allowed to practice the way you see fit. Your decade of training, continued education and superior skill set obtained will not be rewarded based on what the market will bear. In fact, you will be told how to do your job. We will regulate your salary because your time isn't yours, it's ours. Your time isn't your, it's ours. Let me repeat this so we're very clear -- your time isn't yours, we own you. Don't you dare call this slavery because it is not. Your time is ours. You will do what we say and you will be paid what we suggest. That agreement you had with John Doe to replace his organ? He may have agreed to your price but we don't. You will replace that person's organ at a price we set. Your time is NOT yours anymore. Good day to you Sir. We appreciate your service even if you think you know medicine better then us."

We live in a state that rewards bad behavior and punishes success. This is how empires fall.

Comment Re:health insurance is like auto insurance now (Score 1, Insightful) 2424

When I was on unemployment I got $550 a week. That's equivalent to a $15/hour job, and I thought to myself: "This is a pretty sweet deal. I get paid the same amount as my brother, but while he's truck driving and delivering goods, I'm just sitting here watching TV and playing games."

That's awesome.

Am I the only one in this world that sees the un-sustainable direction this country is going? Our grandparents didn't think like this. They believed in working hard, paying their dues and doing the right thing. We've become soft and immoral when we're willing to pass our debt to the next generation so we can "watch TV and play video games". I'm disappointed in my country.

Comment Re:Cue the teabaggers. (Score 1, Funny) 807

Global warming is caused by the Sun. We as a species (human beings) need to thwart this insane solar activity and bring balance to the out of control capitalist system. Ice cubes could be thrown at the Sun to cool it down. The only way to beat free markets is to legislate it into oblivion under the auspices of global warming.

Back in line comrade!

Comment Re:Christians take this! (Score -1) 1252

Creationism theory's "higher intelligence" explanation does NOT have to be associated to God as the religious and non-religious communities insist. My take on creationism is that a higher being MAY be responsible for the intricacies of life. This idea is exclusive from an association of God and very much so can mutually exist with the theory of Evolution. Teach it all and let the chips fall where they may!

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