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Comment Re:cultural aggression (Score 2) 380

I love how I am suposta bend over backwards and make everyone's lives better, but yet I dont see it happening for me

You don't have to "bend over backwards" to make other people's lives better. The cost to pay fast food workers a living wage works out to less than 50 per combo meal; is that "bending over backwards"?

What we as a nation have to realize is that if we took the resources we currently put into killing people halfway across the world and focused instead on improving the lives of our own citizens, we'd be far better off.

Comment Re:cultural aggression (Score 1) 380

I'm sorry if anyone is offended ...

And that's how we know for a fact you're Canadian. ;)

Seriously, though, don't apologize if your statements of fact offend people. American (corporate) values are bullshit, and we've seen example after example of how they do cause harm to the American middle class. And yet we, as a nation, continue to let ourselves be distracted by "horrible" health care website rollouts and the like.

Because of this, one of my long-term goals is to move out of the United States. American hegemony is going to end, and while I'd love to see the United States gradually settle into national maturity, I fear what's coming is far more violent.

Comment Re:Drivers are responsible for accidents, not came (Score 1) 348

I can slam the brakes in a Subaru Impreza WRX and virtually assure that whoever I'm brake checking hits me, on account of the 125' stopping distance.

Horseshit. If the person behind you keeps a reasonable following distance, they'll have plenty of time to slam their brakes or switch lanes.

Comment Re:Too bad that so many are idiots (Score 2) 394

WP has to be the worst rag going with some of the stupidest journalists possible.

Says someone who has clearly never read the Washington Times.

In this case, NSA is NOT doing anywhere near the spying that WP implies. NSA has said that they as a group are not spying on Americans the way that WP and others imply.

But they refuse to talk about the spying they are conducting on Americans -- spying that clearly violates Americans' Constitutional rights.

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