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Comment Re:Drivers are responsible for accidents, not came (Score 1) 348

I can slam the brakes in a Subaru Impreza WRX and virtually assure that whoever I'm brake checking hits me, on account of the 125' stopping distance.

Horseshit. If the person behind you keeps a reasonable following distance, they'll have plenty of time to slam their brakes or switch lanes.

Comment Re:Too bad that so many are idiots (Score 2) 394

WP has to be the worst rag going with some of the stupidest journalists possible.

Says someone who has clearly never read the Washington Times.

In this case, NSA is NOT doing anywhere near the spying that WP implies. NSA has said that they as a group are not spying on Americans the way that WP and others imply.

But they refuse to talk about the spying they are conducting on Americans -- spying that clearly violates Americans' Constitutional rights.

Comment Re:Seems to need an ad blocker. (Score 3, Insightful) 193

I do use NoScript, which winds up blocking a good portion of ads, and I don't feel bad about that one, but fundamentally the problem with a visitor using AdBlock is the same as a spammer sending spam - not only are you doing something that may not be desired, but you're pushing all of the costs for this action onto the other person.

Then I guess it might behoove them to spend a bit less money by serving simpler ads. Say, something text-only? The reason AdBlock became so popular was because the advertisers got so obnoxious.

Comment Re:I'm Sorry, China (Score 1) 634

Good analysis. I'm actually of the thought, though, that the Chinese culture understands the value in winning before they start fighting. Through establishing solid economic bonds with the United States, they've ensured that the United States is extremely unlikely to go to war with them. So while you'll see some tough talk from some corners every now and again, you'll also see joint Sino-American military exercises in the Pacific.

But if it comes to military conflict, China already has information on the military technology we'd likely use to persecute a war and probably learned the same lessons we did from Iraq and Afghanistan (without paying the price we paid). As I think you pointed out, who needs drones when you can kill just as many invaders with a cell phone and an old 102mm Howitzer shell? Air superiority is essential for American forces, but while that can help you win body-count battles and tactical objectives, it doesn't win wars.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
