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Comment Good For Them (Score 2) 132

Seriously, my humble congrats to the team on their success so far. We need more players in the space game, and knowledge gained will hopefully benefit everyone.

On a more philosophical note, I'd love to see this benefit India as a whole by pointing out to everyone just how insignificant we ALL are in the grand scheme of the universe. While they've "officially" abolished the caste system, it's still there in a lot of ways. The more people realize that Earth is but a tiny speck, the more people will (hopefully...I can dream, right?) begin to treat each other better, especially those deemed to be in a "lower class" by some arbitrary rules that nobody alive has any connection to anymore. Actually, it would be nice if we could all work toward that, not just Indian society.

Comment Nothing but excuses. It's still wrong. (Score 3, Insightful) 198

All uninstallation procedures are exhaustively documented, and all third party offers go through a comprehensive compliance process to make sure they are virus and malware free.

You clowns at SourceForge/Dice are missing the point. Users DON'T WANT this garbage on their system. You are deliberately trying to get them to install it, even if it's by mistake.

And what about all the institutions providing you with mirroring? Are they getting a cut of this revenue now? If they're not, then you are DELIBERATELY attempting to profit from their charity and generosity. Personally, I hope every single mirror deletes any SourceForge related material from their servers and tells you to go die in a fire. You are attempting to profit from the work and resources of others who believed they were contributing to the free software community. For that, you are to be shamed, shunned, and written off as yet another group of clueless MBA's out to monitize the entire fucking world at the expense of others. Go fuck yourselves and look for a real job where you have to WORK instead of ruining other people's reputations by bundling useless shit with their software.

Comment It'll never work. (Score 3, Funny) 93

At least not on Comcast. The crappy Motorola boxes they use are barely capable of running the 1980's style GUI they have now. Adding in anything more complex than a calculator (and I'm not so sure about that) will cause the damn things to fry themselves. How they manage to decode HD streams has to be some form of witchcraft, because splurging on good MPEG decoders would mean eating into the corporate yacht funds.

Comment Re:Surprise! (Score 1) 443

...It is pretty widely known and agreed that PayPal very rarely rip off buyers; just sellers...

Which is exactly why I closed my account. They continually treat sellers like criminals, so I refuse to use them as a buyer. I can't BE a buyer if nobody wants to sell due to the risk of having their account pillaged at the drop of a hat.

Comment I would love to see this. (Score 2) 490

I'd love to see this, but not because I wish any harm on Assange (even though I personally think he's a douchebag of the highest order, that's not an offense worthy of capital punishment). No, I'd love to see the boot-lickers TRY to justify the unsanctioned murder of a foreign national on third-party soil. They would be so torn between their supposed progressive ideal of "we shouldn't police the world" and their unabashed devotion to Dear Leader that their heads would probably explode from the contradiction. I honestly don't think they'd know which way to spin it, and would end up just mumbling on air while looking like a deer in headlights.

In the end, they'd still try to justify it because they know it could be the rallying cry for the masses FINALLY waking up and booting every single one of these clowns out of office. If that happens, the media loses their biggest ally and would have to go back to actual journalism instead of repeating whatever the White House Press Office gives them...

Or maybe we'll just end up with more reality-tv tripe and things will continue on. Probably this, but I can dream, can't I?

Comment It's Simple, Really. (Score 4, Insightful) 189

Does he have a piece of paper in his hand from this mythical company that clearly states they are offering him a job and what the compensation will be? Does he have one from Blizzard? The correct choice is whichever of these two he can say "yes" to.

If your friend doesn't have this dubious "$70k as a college graduate" offer/promise on paper, signed, and in his possession , then such a position doesn't exist. Period. If he believes otherwise, he's gonna have a bad time.

Comment Well this is interesting... (Score 1) 82

I seem to remember the idea of such a thing being laughed at not too long ago. Actually, it was in one of the Pebble threads where an iDrone specifically proclaimed "If a connected watch were a good idea, Apple would have done it years ago!"

But now that such a device is already on the market (that seems to be more practical and will have much better battery life due to e-ink vs OLED), Apple decides they can't let that stand. To not be filling every little mobile device niche is tantamount to admitting failure, even if their device turns out to be crap. But wait! You might be able to control this one by TOUCH! Well, that makes all the difference in the world!

I'm waiting for this iWatch thingie to be more about flair and eye candy than functionality, and for Apple to market it like the idea wasn't even possible until they came along. Then they'll likely sue Pebble for some sort of copyright infringement despite Apple being late to a party that someone else started.

"The all-new iMeToo: Designed by Apple in California"

Comment Re:Snowden is fucked (Score 1) 583

Given the damage he's done to the US and the West, he will suffer consequences, there's no doubt about that.

While it raises important issues, I'm struggling to find sympathy for him personally, as he has committed an extremely serious act of treason. By doing what he did, he's ended himself as surely as if he'd put a gun to his own head. Except he'll probably have the US government do it for him (or if he's lucky, life in supermax).

You can't do what he did, and not expect consequences.

Per Article III Secton 3 of the United States Constitution (emphasis mine):

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

As Snowden has taken care to NOT release material that would put people in harm's way, he has done nothing to levy war against the United States, nor has he adhered to their enemies or given aid and comfort. What he's done is illegal under current laws, but it is NOT treason. He acted upon a moral duty to the ideals of the Constitution to expose government wrongs, and in so doing, pissed off a lot of powerful people. THAT is why they want to crucify him - because he DARED believe that the Holy Administration of Purchased Officials should be held accountable for their actions.

If Snowden committed treason, then what does that say about Bradley Manning, who threw a temper tantrum and gave a cache of whatever classified material he could get his hands of (damn the safety reprecussions) to an asshole with an ax to grind? If you believe Snowden a traitor, then Manning is one as well.

Comment Online Advertising Response (Score 5, Insightful) 369

The initial response from the online advertising industry is unsurprisingly hostile and blustering, calling the move 'a nuclear first strike.'

Translation: Boo-fucking-hoo. Online marketing scum have been abusing users for years, making this a retaliatory measure. Let them cry all they want, because nobody gives a shit.

Comment Don't Just Turn Off Wifi (Score 4, Insightful) 323

Avoid places where this kind of garbage is known to be in use. Turning off the wifi means you have to sacrifice some of the functionality of your phone just to not be tracked. Similarly, the op-out is crap as well. Why should I have to opt out? And what's wrong with the door sensors that have been in use for years to figure out conversion ratios?

Not that I've gone into a mall recently, but seeing any of the stores using this system would be the best way to make sure I never come back.

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