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Comment Hobbit 2: Electric Boogaloo (Score 4, Funny) 298

... like Jar Jar Binksarrim of the water people. And Elrond will have an affair with Galadriel. That's right, as soon as we fully Americanize this story, we will have a real winner here, folks.

Sorry, that was only the first draft. Now, Bilbo is a time-traveling immortal who joins with a hip new Gandalf to save Middle-Earth's ozone layer.

Then, they break dance!

Comment Re:So (Score 4, Funny) 283

From the article:

allowing multiple, smaller launches, which then form into one large spacecraft in orbit

So NASA's building a version of Voltron?

They don't say so explicitly ... you have to read between the lions.


Submission + - Visual Studio 2010 forces tab indenting ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: For years, Microsoft has allowed Visual Studio users to define arbitrary tab widths, often to the dismay of those viewing the resultant code in other editors. With the VS2010, it appears that they have taken the next step of forcing tab width to be the same as the indent size in code. Two space tabs anyone?

Comment Re:Bad Mischaracterization (Score 3, Insightful) 551

Duct tape programmers dont give a shit what you think about them. They stick to simple basic and easy to use tools and use the extra brainpower that these tools leave them to write more useful features for their customers.

Exactly. Many posts will go on about how having a good architecture will make it easier to maintain in the long run, and other such things, but it all comes down to one thing:


If your code is useful, it will be used, you will get revenue (hopefully!), and you will have the TIME to improve things, clean up code, write unit tests, and all of the other things that are good and proper in life, but which only indirectly benefit the end used. This is the fundamental opportunity cost for software.

Comment Re:Sun missed the x86 boat, yes (Score 4, Insightful) 194

But, they weren't interested in playing the massive volumes with razor thin margins game of the PC world, thinking that the unix workstation market was insulated from the PC market. After all, PC's were for chumps running 1-2-3 and Wordperfect. So they introduced their own hardware, SPARC, and discontinued SunOS/x86.

Yet another example that any large, established, company will never knowingly introduce a new product that might damage the market for an existing product. That is why giving billions to one or two large companies to develop TECHNOLOGY X never seems to work. If you gave the same amount of money to companies with less than 50 people, you would have 12 different versions of TECHNOLOGY X within a year.

End rant.

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