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Comment Re:They're thieves and war criminals (Score 1, Interesting) 680

The result of his actions were entirely predictable. They were mean spirited and intended to provoke this response as is his calling Islam a cancer. Yet the person is not held responsible in any way, shape or form for their actions even though they lead directly to deaths. . While I respect free speech you can't shout fire in a theatre for good reasons. Why isn't this person being held to the same level of responsibility?

Comment Who says it needs fixing. (Score -1, Redundant) 1154

I have been using a Linux desktop exclusively for almost as long as they have been around. Mostly KDE in my case. The things that need really changing aren't at the desk top level. Flash doesn't work of course but the solution isn't to get flash support. It is to get others to abandon a proprietary solution masquerading as an internet standard. The open source video drivers from AMD and NVidia suck rhinos but the solution isn't to capitulate to a closed source world of blobs.

Beyond that the Linux desktop just works and I am a LOT more productive using it.

Comment Re:Wha? (Score 1) 111

Every body built out their production for the HDTV migration. Now that it is over demand is down. 3D was supposed to be the great saviour but not so much. Turns out people want to match movies on 4" screens and you can get a lot of those out of a 120" sheet. There was also that little tsunami thing as well.

Comment Re:The problem was noticed (Score 1) 474

Good post but I would also add that Australia suffers from the same problem of having the records manipulated upward for no apparent reason. Link

Because we don't have air temperature sensors at sea we rely on land sensors and then extrapolate to cover the 7/10 of the world that is ocean. Australia due to it's location has an effect far in excess of it's size. Combine that with the US measurements and the two of them point to some thing very wrong. You can't have two regions where the world doesn't heat as much as the rest of the world over long periods and blame the whole thing on CO2. The physics doesn't work that way.

Comment Re:I'm not going to panic just yet... (Score 1) 411

I'm sorry I can't hear you right now over the exhaust from the jet engine that is blowing this way. But when I read your post I had to go to the weather station located on the tarmac by the run way and see for my self if it is truly warmer and the indeed it is. Almost 2C warmer than it was when this property was part of a swamp in a forest back in 1880. Global warming is now proven.

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