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Comment Re:Ron Gilbert (Score 1) 827

I really can see it. Who can't see Steve Jobs announcing in 2 years that 10.8 will use the app store exclusively? With a giant slide that says "99% of all mac users exclusively use the app store already" and "No more messing with .dmgs" and "automatically stay up to date for all your software".

He'll push getting rid of manual software installation as a feature.

Comment Re:Good grief! (Score 1) 284

The fact that there are government game ratings at all. The US has game ratings through the ESRB, but they're not a government entity, and the ratings are just parental guidelines. It's not illegal for a 10 year old to play a game rated M, or see an R rated movie... and it's certainly not illegal for a game or a movie to forgo getting a rating at all.. in fact that's a selling point for a lot of DVDs.

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Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
