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Comment Re:Here it is for 5c (Score 1) 844

I think we have a post that paints a clear picture of the problem. Start with:

I'm circumcised and enjoy sex a lot. Maybe I'd enjoy it "more" without it, but I don't really care.

That sure reads like "I'm circumcised and enjoy a lot of sex, which would explain the animosity...

In the next paragraph he really makes his attitude towards society more clear:

Ask any woman who has performed oral sex on both...

You can just feel the attitude towards those other women who aren't enlightened enough to suck him off. I guess I understand why all these people with strange looking dicks are angry.

Now I am going to go enjoy the perks of being mutilated as a small child. Bye, enjoy that extra inch of skin.

Comment Re:Mein Herr! (Score 2, Insightful) 420

vote the bastards out. Keep voting the bastards out until you get your bastards in there.

I know this often gets lost on the Libertarian/Third Party crowd here, but this is how politics works in the real world. I know that we all want instant gratification, but real change takes time and a shift in public perceptions. Vote for the least bad candidate until there is a good candidate on the ballot.

Comment Re:Not funny... (Score 1) 508

I hate to be the downer, but I'd still like to be able to watch /. for good info today.

Then feel free to create your own tech blog and moderate it to the level of usage of Slashdot, then you can run it however you want. April 1st has been observed on this site since long before you had an account.

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