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The Internet

Submission + - R.E.M. and Net Neutrality

cheezitmike writes: The Washington Post reports that several bands, including R.E.M., are joining up to raise public awareness in support of Net Neutrality:

The Future of Music Coalition — an advocacy group of musicians that fought radio consolidation — is assembling a lineup of name bands, such as R.E.M. and Death Cab for Cutie, to join the fight to keep the net neutral. The group will join net neutrality advocate Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) for a teleconference today to kick off the campaign, which is called "Rock the Net ." The campaign will include a petition and a series of concerts. The coalition fears that if companies are allowed to charge for faster access to the Internet, it will hurt the ability of musicians to get their music out to their fans, especially small, indie bands.

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