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Comment Re:Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Score 1) 142

The interesting part of a conspiracy logic, we can have more and more people as part of it... It is just you who is some how left out.

However if the NSA couldn't keep snowden from releasing his information, who is rather low level. What makes you to think, that such a large conspiracy has such power behind it.

Comment Why not web-app? (Score 3, Insightful) 54

Sure there are some apps that need more direct access to features. However I don't get why web apps are ignored?
Most of the apps for the phone are just basic forms that then connect to the Internet and get data back. This is stuff we have been doing on the web already.

The neat thing about web apps are the following.
1. They work on multable mobile devices.
2. You can update and upgrade automatically.

Comment Re:First Step toward MANTIS (Score 2) 128

It might help with people who have injured calf muscles where that extra 10lbs can help out a bit.
But effenancy isn't good for exercise as we want to burn calories and build up muscles.
However it could be used for jobs where there is a lot of walking where the effenancy can allow you to have enough energy at the end of your shift to be more effective.

Comment Re:Prediction (Score 1) 48


It is easier to setup a secure SSH server then a HTTPS server. We have the issue of Certs, and the browsers only wanted trusted certs, If you don't go threw the trusted method, then you get scarry Alerts on how such a horrible site owner you are, for not shelling out cash to be on the good guys cert list.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 2) 227

I think this is more of a situation for anyone who reads YouTube comments.

But having access to Google information is a great help to the average joe. Back in the good old days when I was programming before google. There were things that I just wouldn't be able to code. Say accessing a piece of hardware, or trying to communicate with something else. Just because I had no reference to it... So I just couldn't do it. Post Google, I am confident in the stuff I am working on, because if I don't know how to do it. I can Google it. I usually take the extra step, and understand it before I use it blindly. Then I can get much more done very quickly.

The problem that I see is how we define smart people. School is about Memorization and regurgitation, so the person with a good memory was considered the smarter person. However with Google, and instant lookup of information. The smart person needs to be more artistic and creative. But we really don't measure that much yet.


Rare Ideopathic Encephaly Tied to Higher IQ, Not Lower 58

Timothy writes Cranial deformation is commonly linked to brain dysfunction; it is one of the most common serious conditions affecting fetal growth. Multiple factors are involved, but in nearly every case on record the result is debilitating; stillbirth or neonatal death are common. A mutation, though, has been observed among members of a New Jersey family which represents a rare case of heritable encephaly tied not to dysfunction, but to higher-than-average intelligence, and with no evident negative health consequences.

Donald R. DeCicco (not his real name) and his wife Prymaat of Paramus, both French-born naturalized U.S. citizens, were born with unremarkable physical characteristics, apart from a specific constellation of physical abnormalities affecting maxillofacial and brain development. In both of their cases, brain development appears to be ordinary, but with all brain lobes occupying a volume that is both larger and narrower than typical. All medical tests (and the couple's success as educated, productive members of society) make it clear that their condition has not prevented ordinary life, and may even have enhanced it; a series of MRI and PET scans conducted by Johns Hopkins researchers indicated that their above-average cerebella are at least as active and neuron-rich as are more run-of-the-mill subjects' brains, and tests of memory, cognition, and reasoning place both DeCicco and Clorhone in the top percentile of American rest subjects. A daughter, Connie, shares both their unusual skeletal growth pattern, and is similarly highly intelligent; perhaps this form of heritable encephaly should be thought of as akin to Marfan syndrome, for its pairing of both high intelligence and a characteristic bone-growth pattern. At least one researcher quoted in the linked article believes that less extreme forms of the same anomaly can be observed in some historical and contemporary figures, citing as examples both Vladimir Putin and actor Richard Belzer as bearing some tendency toward the same characteristic shape.

First described by a family physician and described in the Journal of the Society of the Federal Health Professionals,the condition has been labeled Sandler's Syndrome.

Parents Sue School After Pod Daughter Is Banned From Prom 33

With the prom season only a few months away kids and parents alike are starting to make plans for the big day. However, one girl's alien replacement might not get a chance to experience that special day if a school district has its way. Even though Darcy Swope's pod duplicate is virtually identical to her, the Santa Mira school district has decided she is not welcome to prom. School officials acknowledge the duplicate attended school and did Darcy's homework for an unknown period of time but say she isn't really a student and therefore doesn't belong at the dance. Darcy's parents disagree with the decision and have filed suit against the school, Her dad says, "We miss Darcy every day, but the thing that consumed her and is now pretending to be my daughter is almost the same and deserves to be treated the same." "She may not have that sparkle in her eye or the vocabulary as our flesh and blood daughter, but she has never missed curfew and has a thirst to learn. It would be a shame if Darcy II didn't get a chance to experience this important part of being human, even if she isn't one," adds her mother.

V'Ger Source Code Released 53

One of the biggest hurdles to interstellar domination has always been the prohibitive cost of proprietary software for ships or super-weapons. That is all about to change thanks to a surprise move by a mysterious alien race of living machines who have released V'ger's source code. While you'll still need a way to generate a "twelfth-power energy field," this opens the door to many would-be conquerors and ultimate weapon enthusiasts. The release has been praised in terms of increased security and reduced costs by most, but some worry that cheaper, more secure super weapons aren't what the universe needs at this time. Federation spokesperson Lieutenant Ilia disagrees saying: "This is in the carbon units best interest. Many worlds have been infested, You will listen to me."

Comment Re:Woop Di Do Da! (Score 3, Informative) 265

There are complex issues to wide scail deployment.
First is what I think is a short term political problem. Where the energy industry is fighting the change, and lining the pockets of political parties that are willing to make sure things don't change. Technically solar power is more akin to conservative ideals, as it allows the individual to generate their own power without having to handle what big brother says.
Secondly solar requires consumers to buy in. In terms of price even with tax incentives for my home and usage it is about the same price. So there is a hidden cost for me to find a source and deal with the salesmen trying to find a good deal. So it makes it more expensive then current energy. Other forms of energy you don't need a huge buy in. They buy some land, build a plant and the community has power. Just as long there are more people benifitting from it then who are harmed society is happy.
Third trees. Contrarary to the world view of Americans, we like trees a country that is 50th in population density means a lot of us lives in more rural areas, and our homes have a fair amount of tree cover that we do not want to get rid of.

Comment Re:Government would've jumped on them (Score 4, Insightful) 85

I think OS/2 biggest failure was poor marketing compared to Microsoft.
I remember the OS/2 Warp commercials. Just a bunch of people sitting around a computer saying how cool it was then a bunch of trippy colors.
They didn't even show the OS.

While Microsoft for its Windows 95 campaign showed the OS and how easy it was to use, and some of the new features that would make you want it.

Apple does the same thing with their products they are trying to push. You have adds where they show the product and how easy it is to use.

Comment Re:A Corollary for Code (Score 1) 232

"I've heard people asking about how to perform crazy language tricks and I nearly always think to myself "My God, why in the hell would you even *think* about doing something like that?"

I wouldn't be so judgmental on that. You may not know the details on what they are trying to accomplish. What I really hate are respondes to those question admonishing the person for doing it wrong. Then tell them to do it in a way that they stated wouldn't work for their use case.
If the question is posed then they may be faced with an interesting challange, that is outside of the given language core compenancy, for the one particular instance. The official stance may not perform up to snuff, or have that one little peace in it that will prevent you from getting what needs to be done.

Comment Re:Brilliant idea (Score 1) 193

This has happened before. Apple makes a product that is a little too much upscale and pricey for average joe, and fails miserably.
Apple may be the Cadillac Of technology... However when they try to push out the Rolls Royce type of technology, it goes too far.

I can't see myself getting one for the price.
1. The next year or 2 it will be thinner, more powerful, and easier to use. For a watch I want something timeless.
2. How long can you have such a device until it is not supported by you other device.
3. I am not getting any real good features from it. The iPhone has became todays pocket watch. the Apple watch, only adds a minor convenience.

If it does success the apple watch 2 or 3 may be much more affordable under the $100 range where I can justify the expense.

Comment Re:Tim Cook is a Pro Discrimination Faggot (Score 4, Insightful) 1168

The problem is most of the people do not like a group of people, and such business are allowed to refuse services, we can create a situation where the outcast group cannot use the goods and services they need to function/survive in society.

We need business to offer goods and services for us to function, otherwise we will spending all of our time on our own survival. Having businesses refuse business based on aspects people cannot control means your are forcing people from the society.

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