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I've done this on occasion and it seems to work quite nicely as I find I'm rarely braking. The cars behind me enjoy a nice smooth flow and since there is usually a space in front of me others can easily merge.

Don't confuse this with driving slow. One average I'm going approximately the same speed as the stop-and-go cars in front. If I see congestion up ahead I take my foot off the accelerator and try to time it so that the car in front is just starting to get going again just as I arrive.

Comment Continuous Improvement (Score 1) 635

Sure you can continue to add DRM, dongles, licensing, etc. to help prevent un-authorized copying...

However, to really survive you must be continually improving the software thus giving incentive for customers to pay/license the new version. That's how you can keep ahead of the game and if the older version gets pirated... well at least you get a fresh start with the new release.

If this isn't the case then your static software probably isn't going to keep its $10k value for long and no matter what protections you put inside it'll get cracked/hacked eventually.

Comment Re:Things fall apart... (Score 2) 119

Do we have some kind of species-wide dementia or something? Why can't we do stuff anymore that we used to be able to do?

Because we're driven by the almighty dollar in a race to the lowest common denominator. Where it's better to plan obsolescence into products so that the customer needs to buy a new one over and over again. More resources consumed, more money exchanged, more GDP.

Short term gains over long term quality.

Comment Re:Is declining enrollment a problem? (Score 2) 292

I prefer to be elitest and think that only a small percentage of the population can actually think abstractly enough to have an aptitude for math and computer science.

While I love wrapping my head around a hard problem (and gain immense satisfaction in solving it) when I describe what I do (sit in a desk most of the day and think about problems) to other people they picture it to be about as fun as water torture.

Comment Re:Maybe Not Everyone Should Go To College (Score 1) 768

The things is if the lenders were responsible if you go bankrupt rather than the government, they would probably be a lot less willing to loan you $100k to begin with.

Sure it was 13 years ago now but when I went through university, people would talk about their $14k loans and that sounded like a pretty large loan back then.

Comment Toba Catastrophe Theory (Score 1) 228

I've seen several observations that point to a common lineage for humans that goes back to only a few handful of mating pairs in Africa around 70k years ago. Probably explains why there is only a single species of human at this point in time.

Why this might be the case is still undecided but a catastrophe on a global scale seems plausible.

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