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Comment What's new? (Score 3, Funny) 141

Okay, I only looked at it for a few minutes, but I can't see the difference with classic boards. Yes, it is more fancy, more JavaScripty, but functional, I couldn't get any differences. Just a list of topics, when clicked go to a list of replies.

No voting system, no "highest votes on top", no threading, ...

Comment Re:Guns are not unsafe... (Score 1) 1013

No. Guns are designed to discharge a projectile at a high velocity. That is all.

O, come on, who are you fooling?

If that would be the case, why are legislators and gun makers not trying as hard as possible to make them safer? They are exempt from consumer safety laws. And why? Because their goal is to be lethal.

Comment Re:Guns are not unsafe... (Score 1) 1013

You are completely right. And it is why the automobile industry puts a lot of effort in making cars safer. And why there are laws like having to use these safety precautions.

By the way, many more cars than guns are used also every day for there intended purpose (moving from a to b) than guns. So your statistic (as tragic as it is) does not compare well.

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