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Comment Re:What would these kids grow up to be? (Score 1) 1345

  "Unschooling: For those kids who aspire to be the dish washers of the future"

But seriously, is there any less way to be prepared for higher education (higher, meaning anything from 3rd grade on up)?

My kids were unschooled their entire lives, and when they went to college, they got straight A's. They are very intelligent, creative, inquisitive, social people. Your statement, sir, is not insightful, it is the statement of someone who knows not of what they speak. Unschooling respects the children as humans, instead of arresting their development by treating them like dumb animals kept in cages all day.

Comment Re:Ernie Ball (Score 2, Insightful) 371

I use only Ernie Ball strings for my electrics. I wish they made acoustic strings too. :-)

I think the reason that the public doesn't mind the BSA is that the vast majority of people don't know who the BSA is. Also, BSA doesn't target individuals. Only companies. Most people don't mind if there is some unknown business sticking it some other unknown businesses.

My $.02

Comment Re:I love these "Yes, Obama is still shiny!" stori (Score 1) 84

What's your point? What has the failure of the automotive industry to respond to customer demand for fuel efficient cars have to do with the RIAA wanting to squeeze it's customers for every penny they can get? The two involve corporate entities, but beyond that, they have little to do with each other. I believe that's what is called a straw man argument.

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"By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect "Hungry." -- a Larson cartoon
