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Comment Re:Nothing left but work! (Score 4, Insightful) 166

Because we all know that the one single purpose of an education is to train you for a job in the capitalist hell of the labour market. Critical thinking, political activism, creativity, and cultural development and experimentation are all excluded in the Educate Me For A Job model. Of course, the defunding of universities in the USA has caused their costs to go vertical - benefiting the vectoral class of financial extraction via student loans, precluding people from becoming activists, because if they get busted or booted they're stuck with a jillion dollar debt and no degree. Of course, the money for schools has been poured into prisons and warfare, where, again, it benefits the rich, and not much else. So, yeah, get a degree. Get a job. Be a useless debt slave cog in the machine.

Comment Re:This may be crass but... (Score 2) 283

You are wrong. People reproducing in places like Africa and South Asia use a tiny fraction of the resources a Westerner uses. In terms of the ecology, one American family consumes as many resources and energy as a village in east Africa. So, as far as the biosphere is concerned, the millions of poor africans and asians are one thing, but they're not nearly as much of a problem as Americans and Europeans.

Comment Re:This is already happening (Score 1) 343

Actually, if it is forced it is "Right Wing" Communism (viz. Lenin / Stalin / Mao / PolPot etc.) If it is voluntary, it is "Left Wing" Communism. That only exists in societies where the means of production require it (viz. Hunter/gatherer situations, or primitive horticultural societies). Socialism is the step in between capitalism and communism, so it shares features of both, depending on the actors (right wing v. left wing) and the local conditions. So if you have some backwater hellhole (say Russia ca. 1916) and combine it with right wing Communist agitators, you end up with state based capitalism (viz post-Stalin Russia) posing as "Socialism". The difference between right wing and left wing is not "fascist v. commie" it is "violence v. consensus".

The Struggle To Ban Killer Robots 138

Lasrick (2629253) writes "The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is a year old; the same month is was founded, the UN's special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions called for a moratorium on the development and deployment of autonomous lethal weapons while a special commission considered the issue. The campaign is succeeding at bringing attention to the issue, but it's possible that it's too late, and if governments don't come to a common understanding of what the problems and solutions are, the movement is doomed. As this article points out, one of the most contentious issues is the question of what constitutes an autonomous weapons system: 'Setting the threshold of autonomy is going to involve significant debate, because machine decision-making exists on a continuum.' Another, equally important issue of course is whether a ban is realistic."

Comment America, bringing up the rear. (Score 4, Interesting) 1198

What are the other countries that have death penalties?

China, Malaysia, vietnam, Uganda, Indonesia, Gambia, Thailand, India, pakistan, Bahrain, Botswana, Equitorial guinea, Bangla desh, UAE, North Korea, Kuwait, afghanistan, Taiwan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Sudan North and South, Ethiopia, Somalia.

Nice crowd.

Comment it didn't fall. It was abandoned. (Score 3, Interesting) 384

The Romans had devised an efficient method of acquiring resources. They would invade a neighbour and take everything of value. They spread in every direction for some distance except Northeast, because Poland / Russia / Scandanavia are big places that are very cold and, at the time, filled with crazy people. They couldn't afford an army big enough to go stomp them. Over-extended, they resorted to diluting the currency. This resulted in a brutal economic depression that lasted for most of the third century. At that point, the writing was on the wall - the West had nowhere to go. The smart and rich people moved east.

It makes sense. North of Rome? Germanic crazy people. West? The Atlantic Ocean. South? A thin border on the mediterannean hard up against one giant fucking desert. North east? Britain, the north of which was inhabited by such a crazed bunch of assholes the Romans built a fucking WALL to keep them out. When Welsh tin production peaked in 320, there was no point in hanging around. East? Palestine, Mesopotamia, Persia, India, China - you know - REAL civilisations. REAL money to be made. Not these crazy Pict or Celt peasant fuckers. Societies with cities and gold and stuff.

So, once they divided Roman around 310, it was basically like pulling the plug. The place drained pretty fast. If you had any money you got the fuck out and moved east. Roman didn't fall. It's method of acquiring resources met the law of diminishing returns. Its response was typical: increase the complexity of the society. Eventually, the centre collapses under its own weight. Tainter's book "Collapse of Copmlex Societies" spells it out pretty clearly. The rest is in the records. Rome didn't fall. It was sold out and abandoned.

Comment Re:Solution in search of a problem (Score 1) 139

So, you'd be willing to pay extra to not have a phone? As I noted, we got those phones for FREE. They work fine. They're phones. They have cameras. I think I've used my phone camera, maybe 3 times in 2 years - so, I dig what you're saying. I couldn't care less if it had a phone or not. On the three occasions I needed one it was nice to have, but yes, I could live without it. But I got it for FREE. I'm not going to pay to not have one...

Comment Solution in search of a problem (Score 2) 139

I have a cellphone. It is an Applie iPhone 3GS I got two years ago as a free upgrade from my flip phone.It works fine. My wife and daughter have Samsung Galaxy 3. They work. We can call each other and text each other, and if we have time, wecan play games on them and occasionally listen to music. Will this new device help that? Not really, not for FREE, which is what we paid for our phones. Ara is a solution to a problem we don't (and no one I know) has.

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