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Comment Re:Is it better? (Score 1) 171

ok, that has to be either worst joke ever or lame attempt at trying to post serious troll comment.

if anything... shell is abso-fucking-most configurable desktop ever. you can extend/change abso-fucking-lutely everything with simple javascript. granted, since g3 was just released, not many extensions are present yet and gnome-shell by it self is not really feature rich environment and neither was any other desktop when they switched release. moving from gnome 1 to 2 was especially terrible. old and new gtk worked and looked differently, one had utf8, other didn't... same troubles at kde camp from 3 to 4. c'mon developers need to sleep too and if they wait to release full featured version without period of change they'd need to support 2 versions.

if anything, work like that really deserves benefit of a doubt until 3.2 or 3.4. people making extensions might surprise you. just google on how to make extensions and see how brilliant it is. and yes, i do love shell... after i installed places extension and made 3 extensions for my self i can really say i was never so productive

Comment Re:WinXP (Score 1) 176

As for calling XP's firewall a firewall..

based on lack of features and being inbound only, this car analogy kinda fits it

"BEST CAR IN UNIVERSE!!!!! only missing 3 tires and there is no engine, but do not fear... space where you can put your own engine is intact and perfectly cleaned. also, sits and wheel can be be included with additional purchase, as special feature mirrors were cleaned daily"

Comment Re:WinXP (Score 1) 176

and yes, you can from early iptables start, which predates any firewall presence in windows.

you can set rulesets in specific tables, you can add/remove them dynamically, save/restore from the very first time of iptables replacing ipchains, which already had that feature too.

Comment Re:OpenBSD (Score 4, Informative) 176

no need to get upset. author just worded it really badly. as most already said, iptables already had add/remove/save/restore, although i can see you get bonner every time you mention openbsd

here is how this works
- service/program starts and sends d-bus message "hey, i need xxx port to work (yes, i really meant classic pr0n port;)
- user gets prompted and needs to validate decision trough authentication.
- port is open
- when software stops, it sends another d-bus message "close pr0n port"
- port is closed

this is not scenario which would be usable in any server environment. but for n00b user running something... might just be life saver not to get confused with bunch of for him too advanced howtos.

Comment Re:GOOG isnt so sure anymore (Score 1) 120

wrong link in copy/paste. sorry for that

it seems you missed the point i tried to show. it wasn't to blame microsoft for anything. just patent nonsense and inability to discover which patent is actual invention and which one is not (either by prior art or triviality where simple life occurrence was presented in the code form). main problem being that people in patent office don't even understand what they are granting patent for (missed in 99.99% in software)

not software ones, but i liked these very much

invention of ... stick

one man going as far as this

http://www.google.si/search?aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=trivial+patents search should be better link than my ramblings how nothing works in this department

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