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Comment Agreed, star ratings suck. (Score 2) 133

They should ask five-ish specific questions like :
(1) Was the driver on time? If no, how late?
(2) Did the driver and vehicle seem safe? If not, explain.
(3) Was the driver polite?
(4) Was the vehicle clean?
(5) Was the driver friendly, curt, etc.?

Some questions like (1-4) are used to qualify drivers. Any personality questions like (5) are used to match up people with drivers they'll like more, but influence the qualification only minimally.

Down side, if they're matching up curt drivers with curt people, and bubbly drivers with bubbly people, then when they occasionally cannot make that match, they might need to warn the user : "Apologies. We think you're an anti-social bump, so usually we trying pairing you with similar drivers, but we just kicked out our only surly driver here for not bothering to remove the jagged rusty metal spikes from his passenger doors. So today all we got is the bubbly flower child who'll drone on about chakras and vegetarian recipes. I hope you don't mind. She's very safe. Ask her were to buy weed during your visit."

Comment Re:Its stil bonkers. (Score 3, Informative) 133

There are sellers on ebay who create sock puppets to bid up the second highest bid. If they hit your bid ceiling they retract their previous bid, so you still win the auction, but near the highest price you considered. Always abandon the auction by retracting all your own bids if you observe suspicious bidding or retractions.

Comment Re:Good? More like "Good Luck" (Score 1) 260

Agreed, if even a few well connected people get executed for environmental crimes, then others will shape up. I'm unsure if it'll have any immediate effect though. Will powerful Chinese business people just tell themselves : I'm too important and too far-removed from day-to-day operations for this to happen to me.

Comment Re:Coin? (Score 1) 179

Yeah, bitcoins are mostly all owned by a very small group, so using them effectively centralizes the money supply in a few hand. And that ultimately increases wealth inequality and decreases the velocity of money. I.e. bitcoin is bad for the economy.

If however you create a bitcoin alternative with a permanent constant inflation that pays out through mining then that constant inflation reduces the transaction costs below bitcoin's and serves to redistribute wealth slightly, making the currency very good for the economy.

Comment Cross site scripting (Score 4, Insightful) 224

We need new standards to minimize cross site scripting throughout the web, like maybe :
- If you want to run code from a site other than your own then you need that code to jump through various obnoxious approval hurdles, which suck so bad that people abandon cross site scripting.
- Restrict all off site cookie access massively as well.

Comment TLS (Score 2) 95

TLS is useless against PRISM which simply takes records from the server.

You need end-to-end encryption like OTR over XMPP. Afaik all the good XMPP clients like Adium and Jitsi include OTR be default. Of course OTR does nothing against traffic analysis. Worse, OTR is not a mandatory part of the protocol.

TorChat is resistant to traffic analysis, but nobody uses it. Also, it's badly designed so that, if many people did use it, then it'd be hard on the Tor network.

Pond is a new attempt traffic analysis resistant messaging and email over Tor, but Pond is in pretty early stages of development.

Comment Re:Very good point (Score 2, Informative) 253

There is ample historical precedent for authorities using sex crimes to silence successful dissidents who are obviously in the right.

John Wilkes was the first person to successfully publish the proceedings of parlement, arguably creating our notion of freedom of the press. He was also imprisoned for sex crimes.

I'm imagine the U.S. would keep him for a while if they had him, but doing so would prove messy. In reality, the U.S. doesn't want him so long as someone else has a better way to punish him, which the Swedes do.

Comment Very good point (Score 5, Insightful) 253

Assange has an awful lot of very astute writing and work leading up to Wikileaks, technically he's no Jacob Appelbaum, but his philosophical writing nails it.

Wikileaks was based upon that philosophy and changed our world by starting this "leaking culture", certainly leaking existed long before, but social factors preventing it were more powerful. Assange created a framework proving that leaking often works where internal reforms fail.

Assange has obviously been driven a little batty by the U.S. government's pursuit via Sweden, U.K., etc., but historians will continue talking about Assange long after they've forgotten about Bush, Clinton, etc. Anyone who can actually push all the way from new philosophy to real political change is a certified genius.

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