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Comment Re:Highway lights??? (Score 1) 348

Having been driving on a UK motorway illuminated at night when all the lights have failed through a fault, it can be quite surprising and scary, as your eyes have grown accustomed to the brightness and so it suddenly looks very dark. Then again, on a dark isolated road where your eyes grow used to the dark, even dipped lights can seem blinding (especially halogens).

So I think it should be a case of all or nothing. Either all lights on or all lights off (even headlights), in the latter case, everyone could just wind down their windows and play very loud music.

Evolving Rocks 172

SpaceAdmiral notes a new study making the claim that rocks have been evolving throughout Earth's history. "'Mineral evolution is obviously different from Darwinian evolution — minerals don't mutate, reproduce or compete like living organisms,' said Hazen in a statement announcing the study's findings. 'But we found both the variety and relative abundances of minerals have changed dramatically over more than 4.5 billion years of Earth's history. For at least 2.5 billion years, and possibly since the emergence of life, Earth's mineralogy has evolved in parallel with biology,' Hazen added. 'One implication of this finding is that remote observations of the mineralogy of other moons and planets may provide crucial evidence for biological influences beyond Earth.'"

Comment Re:Do they run vista? (Score 1) 785

I think that the problem is people having misconceptions about robots. They're not sentient. They don't think. They only do what we tell them to. Sure there are horror stories about robots coming to life, but there are also horror stories about dead people coming to life, or cars coming to life.

How gullible are you?

I bet a robot told you that.

A big one with glowing red eyes and blood dripping from his brushed-Titanium claws.

Comment Re:Personally... (Score 0) 586

What's the big deal about Columbus in the States?

He never got to America first, never set foot on mainland USA, was trying to prove it was quicker to get to India by going the other way (he was wrong) and he introduced small pox to kill off the few remaining tribes who hadn't been shot... sorry, liberated.

And as for that bet about the egg, he blatantly cheated and even nicked the story to begin with.

Comment So, in summary... (Score 2, Funny) 136

Scientists: "We've made an invisibility cloak that will make your soldiers vanish!"
General: "That's amazing, let's try these out."
Scientists: "Right, Here is one you can try, but if you want more then we need money... a lot of money."
General: "Sorry, the deals off, the soldiers say they can't see out of it when they're inside it."
Scientists: "Give us a few minutes."
[Obligatory view of shed with hammering and sawing noises]
Scientists: "Okay, how about your troops just hide behind it?"

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