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Comment I can only confirm this. (Score 1) 561

Steve Reich and Philipp Glass as drugs? Well, I must be honest to the ./ crowd. Their music is highly addictive and produce strange "things" in my "brain" that definitely puts you in a different state of mind.

Oh wait! This ticklish effect in my brain is called "music"? Oh wooowwww


Submission + - ThePirateBay Hackers Website Vanishes (

An anonymous reader writes: Yesterday, news was circulating that ThePirateBay was hacked, exposing 4 million users identities. Drew Wilson from ZeroPaid is reporting today that the website that made all of these claims has now vanished and merely redirects users to Google. ThePirateBay did make upgrades, but whether or not that was in direct relationship to the story that hackers broke in to their site isn't clear.

Comment Re:Facebook slippery slope (Score 1) 432

No offence, but I would call you naive.....I see Blizzard attempt as a move to cut down on forum management. All those thousands of useless posts that need to maybe reviewed, maybe answered, etc. is probably taking up a LOT of resources in various countries. Reducing the workload to practically nothing since only maybe 1% of forum goers would ever post anything, would generate, guess what, more PROFIT.
For the 90% of players who legitimately ask questions or help on the forum, there is no reason why they would want to give up their real names. The only result of that is empty forums, less gamer-to-gamer help.
Oh, and with the above logic, one would also expect a huge increase in mails to Blizzard support for those questions that would have been asked in the forums. This could well end up being more expensive to Blizzard than paying moderators.
Sorry, I love Blizzard games, but to me this wasn't done in the interest of players, and really smell like cutting on costs at our expense. I'm glad though that they reversed their decision, there is definitely a lot of funny posts that would not have been written with that policy. Anyone remembering the "In PVP, shadow priests melt faces" thread knows what I am talking about.

Comment The Quake is a lie (Score 1) 560

I'm working in a skyscrapper next to the central station in Montreal.,-73.561277&spn=0.018709,0.032487&t=h&z=15&iwloc=lyrftr:h,0x4cc91a5b0ef0a83f:0x242867c96dfae622,45.501926,-73.563337 My boss asked his neighbor to stop shaking his leg, it was shaking its desk... Besides that, most of us thought it was a loud truck passing by. Nothing serious to report. And unfortunately, no oh-nice-premature-end-of-work-day-everybody-panic-now!

Comment Re:Where the action is aimed. (Score 1, Troll) 378

Now if you are in Spam, hijack a system in Korea to send spam to China, where should you be liable?

You've answered your own question: See Calder v. Jones, 465 U.S. 783 (1984)..

Unless the code of law in USA takes precedence over the whole world (which a lot of people from the aforementioned country tend to think), jurisprudence in USA won't hitch the back of anyone in Korea, China, or UK for the matter...

Comment Re:I like the idea (Score 1) 126

Which, in the U.S., it rarely is.

All very true. Worse is exchanges like:

"I'll have the main dish, but can I have half portion, I won't finish it, it's way too big"

"Ah...hum, sir we don't do that"

"But I'll pay full price anyway"

Baffled lookBut sir, we can't do that...

Apparently, at least in US, it's close to impossible to have a cook who can divide by 2...

Comment Re:Evidence (Score 1) 468

well, how may airliners that take off from Israel have been hijacked since the 70's?

The exact same ratio of airliners being hijacked from Israel in average each year, compared to the rest of the world. It is just that hijacking planes is not the preferred method anymore. I guess it's too risky/complicated a business compared to planting a bomb. Oh, plus progress in airport security everywhere?

The Tel-Aviv airport is irrelevant here and I don't think Israel has anything to show off in terms of 'security'. Besides, they hijack boats in international waters and kill people on least with Tsahal, airliners are safe as long as they focus on civilian ships.

Frankly, wrong example here...

Comment Re:If only. (Score 1) 468

What you advocate here is arbitrary detention of people based on no other evidence than their faces. Using a technique that has not proven to work, and worse, that is being proven that it doesn't work.

Judging people on their faces has never lead to good things. And there is no way to do it 'correctly'.

This whole SPOT thing is again a demonstration of how american people is gullible and how authorities have absolutely no capacity to think before acting. It's not the only thing left.

Plus, on a personal note, I'd rather fly a plane with a 1/1000000000 chance for it to blow off rather than being under permanent suspicion and scrutiny while I spend my time in airports waiting for delayed flights because one of those TSA 'officer' screwed up - again.

Honestly? Enough with this circus show, let's get back to normal life and stop being paranoid while cultivating our ignorance in a state of security bliss.

Submission + - Hints of life found on Saturn's moon (

Calopteryx writes: It could lead to a Titantic discovery — two potential signatures of life on Saturn's moon Titan have been found by the Cassini spacecraft. New Scientist reports that in 2005, researchers predicted two potential signatures of life on Titan — now both have been seen, although non-biological chemical reactions could also be behind the observations.

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