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Comment Re:I'm Waiting (Score 1) 305

I'm waiting for Firefox 23, so it will be the same version as emacs. I'm guessing it will be released around Christmas.

So long dumbass Firefox developers, I'm switching to Chrome.

Which does not display it's version number so prominently, but otherwise uses the same development schedule and version numbering.

Comment Caution (Score 2) 536

Let's conveniently ignore the following:

The evidence for rapid climate change is compelling (
Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect" (

Until it says "most scientists agree that we needn't worry about AGW" I'll keep worrying about AGW.

Comment Re:Complex Model (Score 4, Informative) 464

That's because the scientists are done arguing. And it doesn't help when people keep repeating points that have been rejected (or as close as science will ever get to rejecting something):

* It's happening.
* We're at fault.

(Most climate scientists agree that) it's not part of a natural cycle. That's as close to resolved as it's going to be.

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