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Comment Re:IRS has free online tax filing (Score 1) 386

It's not exactly the IRS's service; it's offered by the Free File Alliance, "a nonprofit coalition of industry-leading tax software companies partnered with the IRS to provide free electronic tax services."

I use them too... definitely beats driving to the main post office at midnight to make sure the return (or extension) is postmarked in time. :)

Comment Re:Sadly, sounds like I was right (Score 1) 204

Losing Eich is going to be the worst thing to ever happen to Mozilla, mark my words.

How is losing someone that thinks 20% of his employees are subhuman not a good thing? He hates his gay employees. He publicly admitted he is a Nazi that wants to steal their rights. He gave money to a cause that attacks them. Unless you are one of them, how can you defend his kind? Hopefully it won't be that many decades before society has progressed enough to put your kind behind bars to protect the rest of us from your intolerance.

20%? Got a citation for that, or just wishful thinking?

Comment Re:Margeret Thatcher? (Score 1) 103

depends what side of the pond your on... though Palin always struck me as more retarded than constructively evil.

Agreed. That Spanish Inquisitor fellow never could do anything right.

Did somebody say "the Spanish Inquisition"?

Comment Re:They already "gave back" (Score 1) 268

"Except when governments are involved"

Get out of the basement. Read more widely. Go enjoy some clean, unlimited tap-water. And marvel at the magical process that keeps it that way.

It's pretty clear that someone with that kneejerk response would only be interested in rainwater and grain alcohol, Mandrake.

Comment Re:Oh, man, what a mess (Score 2, Informative) 151

"secure commercial product"

I assume you implying that closed source is more secure.

Doe you really believe that? Why?
  - Do you think security by obscurity is real security?
  - Do you believe that closed source has more code audits?
  - Do you believe that there is less change of NSA or other back doors in closed source software.

"IIS was never vulnerable..."

Really? Try a search for "IIS SSL vulnerability".

Comment He only gave Google 2 days before going public? (Score 5, Informative) 152

So, no thanks to TFA, I found the actual bug report, and it turns out the guy went public less than 2 days after reporting the bug to Google. Talk about impatient. And it's not true that "Google issued a low-priority label to the bug when he reported it, until he wrote about it on his blog and the post started picking up steam on social media". It's true that it was originally given a low-severity label at first, it was bumped to medium a day-and-a-half later, then up to high a few hours after that--around the same time that he went to reddit about it. Not exactly sure if it was before or after, since I don't know the timezone of the times reported on Chrome's issue tracker, but one of the comments from Google says that they had already bumped the severity rating before they knew about him going public.

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