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Comment Re:Or... (Score 1) 477

Parent is NOT a troll. There is this thing called personal responsibility. In this country, we seem to be migrating to both entitlement and a responsibility - free belief system. The way things worked for a great many years is that you are responsible for things you do, and not entitled to anything you have not earned. I have a family plan with 4 phones on it, and a measly 700 minutes. We don't pay for overages. We don't pay for them because we don't do them.

Comment Re:Already Run Out (Score 1) 442

IPV6 will allow any properly secured device, even your TV or refrigerator to be directly accessible from most parts of the world. This will usher in a new era of programmable and remotely controllable houses and devices to automate many aspects of our lives. Imagine resetting your alarm clock, coffee maker, and thermostat settings to accommodate your plane arriving late..... while on the plane! It could be done from any web-capable laptop, phone, kiosk at the airport, or many other internet- enabled devices.

Comment Re:Deadline (Score 1) 442

That is a lot of name calling with zero facts. Funny thing is that Glenn Beck backs up his stuff with easily provable facts. Where are your sound arguments/facts?

I suggest you do as many smart independent thinkers do: Watch Fox and some mainstream, and derive your news from that mix and some google scholar searches.

It's easy to call names, and make sweeping generalizations. You have zero credibility, and your message has no weight, however.

Comment Re:Deadline (Score 1) 442

Banning does not solve the problem. Banning just gives the government more excuses to intrude into our privacy. You simply make a blanket "Driving while distracted" bonus penalty.

Best solution:

Mandatory REAL driver training. You are piloting a vehicle. Force future drivers to drive distracted on a road course. Force them to try to stop in inclement conditions, etc.


Comment Re:And 3 hours after reading this... (Score 1) 362

It is very sad that some folks refuse to consider the MANDATORY motherboard change cost. The exceptions favor AMD, with the socket AM2 lasting for about 4 years, and 2+ lasting close to 3, when considering the MOST current CPU of the moment. Intel boards cost morer and last less time. Any top tier (parts-wise) AMD PC built in the last 3 years can move to the latest and greatest processor, by a imple CPU swap. Intel cannot even get you in the i7 GENERATION without a board.

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