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Comment Re:Arduino? Yawn. (Score 1) 114

8051? This processor is as old as bacteria... useful for some but It can't measure with AVR by any means. The instruction set is making even simple operation (say a=b;) tens instructions long, and these usually are 4 clocks per instruction. Dog slow by architecture and implementation.

duh, look at modern versions like from Silicon Labs -- single-clock instructions, real I/O ports. Nobody uses the Intel 12-clock 8051s any more.

Comment Re:Arduino? Yawn. (Score 1) 114

How often does one need a JTAG debugger anyway? You can do plenty without one.

I tend to use it all the time. Beats the pants off of adding a resource-using monitor, or trying to blink LEDs, or spit things out the serial port, or whatever.

Sure, if you're God's own programmer, you don't need a debugger, but us mortals like to use it when things don't go as expected.

Comment Re:Film editors unite! (Score 1) 295

MASH did a pretty impressive long-take episode about a shot up kid who needed a critical procedure in a very limited time. I don't know if it was done in a number of takes, but it was in real time.

It had a small clock running in one of the lower screen corners, too; it counted down the 26 minutes or whatever the doctors said the kid had left. Definitely one of the best episodes of a television series ever.

Comment Re:it always looked to me like... (Score 2, Funny) 474

I always get a laugh out of people who pronounce gif as jif - and yes, I know the creators of the format used a soft G, but that is wrong. Acronym letters should take the sound of the letters in the word they replace.

What about the illiterates who pronounce, "gigabyte" with a hard G?

It's the same root as the word, "gigantic." Get it right.

Comment Re:Good. Hope this keeps up (Score 1) 712

So use your guns. Isn't this what American have been saving their guns for?

The 2nd Amendment Absolutists (read: bedwetters) should've been out in force during the GW Bush years, yet not a peep. (This is why I presume that they are bedwetters.) Now that there's a black dude in the White House, well, time to start stockpiling ammo, boys!


Old Apple 1 Up For Auction, Expected To Go For $160,000+ 156

vanstinator was one of several readers to point out that Christie's is holding an auction for one of the original Apple 1 machines, complete with a manual, the original shipping box, and the letter from Steve Jobs to the owner. The invoice says the computer was purchased on December 7th, 1976, with an Apple cassette interface card, for a total price of $741.66. The auction house expects it to sell for over $160,000.

Comment Re:Prior art? (Score 1) 282

Since I doubt many of India's power systems have things to handle the potential of overload (like street lamps in a majority of the outlying city areas,) I think they'd be happy enough to have the extra draw on the grid to keep the voltage semi-regular.

That's one reason why the USA has so many streetlights, after all. A great deal of our power stations run unthrottled and so to prevent our lines ending up over 130v and frying everything we put extra draw on the grid. This is also a reason why the government will be slow to adpot LED technology for major road and lot lighting, unless we come out with solutions that are drawing that much power (defeating the whole purpose and adding more light scatter.)

Wow, you have no idea what you're talking about, yet you feel compelled to post anyway.

Comment Re:And the USA might get decent trains! (Score 1) 633

Either that, or the highway departments can pull their heads out of their asses and let us drive 100 MPH.

Most drivers are incapable of handling their vehicles at half that speed. Raising the speed limit to 100 mph would result in carnage on the highways.

(Some chick in an X-Terra ran me off the road this morning. She needed to get into the right lane, for no reason, and was yapping on the phone and didn't bother to look, she just turned into my lane. She ignored the horn and the yelling. I called on Our Lady Of Blessed Acceleration by downshifting from 6th to 3rd, pulled in front of her, then made sure she couldn't pass me. THIS is why I oppose higher speed limits.)

Comment Re:Aw (Score 1) 549

Actually, go to the archives on the right. Those stories are still served without a password.

Nope, database errors returned there too. I checked to see if anyone put up a password, but alas not.

Comment Re:Well, duh. (Score 1) 219

"If you aren't paying for the product, you are the product." (I wish I could claim credit for the quote, but I can't. And I've heard it from so many sources that I don't know the origin.)

As the great Aussie band the Saints sang, "Know Your Product," alternately, "No, You're Product."

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 282

what they do here for pawnshops. Put a four week hold on all payments.

That sucks. Half the point of a pawn shop is "oh shit, I have to pay rent in 2 days but don't get paid for 4!" A short term loan where you get to choose your collateral (and which, if you default on, they're not going to come after your house or whatever).

Too fucking bad. Stop trying to sell stolen goods.

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