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Comment Re:You asked... (Score 1) 413

The best advice is move sshd off of port 22, establish and configure your IDS and response, move sshd back to port 22.

I once considered doing that. Instead I firewalled the whole network and the only way to ssh into a box is to access via VPN (with password policies enforcement instead of certificates) and from there ssh into the machine.

If the VPN is down, tough. I'll have to have someone onsite to fix things.

Of course, one size does not fit all. This is the way we chose to do this at my place of work.

Oddly I've never seen evidence of someone trying to brute-force a vpn connection.

Comment Re:But how precise is it? (Score 1) 253

Traffic court was on Thursday night. Every Thursday nights would show our tiny town hall (a historic converted 19th century one-room schoolhouse) with a line of people winding around several times outside. Processed quickly, cha-ching.

Unless you were a country singer, in that case you had to spend an evening singing at the Boar's Nest.

Comment Re:I'm impressed, they are worse than GA (Score 1) 107

I DO my checklist EVERY time I fly, and I don't take off without knowing exactly how much fuel is on board, EVER

I'm not a pilot but I thought this was required by regulation.

I used to tease my pilot friends that they looked like they were praying when going over their checklists. Almost like a responsorial psalm.

Comment Re:Validation or desperation? (Score 4, Insightful) 138

Depends on where you played. There are times when you feel there's almost no one else logged on. You could possibly have entire zones for yourself in the less populated servers.

I hope this move increases server population. This is a fun game (not groundbreaking, tho) even if you are not a Tolkien fan.

Comment Re:DNSSEC is an arduous solution (Score 1) 70

I use puppet to monitor changes to a centrally managed version controlled zone database that is automatically deployed and signed any time it is changed. Bad changes are automatically detected and reverted to a known good state via the version control repository.

Did you roll your own solution or used third party tools?

I'm about to inherit responsibility for several unrelated DNS servers and I'm trying to find a way to centrally manage them.

Comment Re:I loves and hateses my Preciousss (Score 1) 366

And it's not even an iphone exclusive issue. You can have pretty much any other smatphone and it's up to the network provider what you do and what you don't have access to.

Of course, an unlocked iphone might give you the freedom to simply move on to a network that allows direct TCP access so you can tether your computer to it.

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