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Comment Re:Let me be the first one to say it ... (Score 1) 1870

There should be a mechanism by which it is possible to make money from information, but don't confuse the issue by calling it a right.

Music is not information. Software is not information. Movies are not information. Let's not confuse the issue by pretending all of the above is nothing more than information, as doing so belittles the artists involved in the creation of these works.

Comment Re:Let me be the first one to ask it ... (Score 1) 1870

Personally I will do as the grand parent and copy things a lot for a while just to show them how much they suck.

How, exactly, do they suck? (and who are "they" anyways?) How does someone who is producing content that you, obviously, want to possess suck again? Because they charge you for something you want? You're reproducing something illegally because you can't afford to purchase it and "they" suck? How's that?

Comment Re:Will anything really change? (Score 1) 1656

Basically, for all you people who think that this new fellow is going to be "different", tell me in four years time whether you still have to go to fucking work nearly every day of the week (for the vast majority who do). Heck, I would guess at least half of the things he promised aren't even possible without the Congress, and they aren't different, even if you think this man is.

Why is not going to work a goal? Why would that change? The point is for the last 8 years, we've had a mildly retarted person speaking for us. Now, we've got someone who can put together a proper sentence to speak for us. That's a good thing. Do I think he'll accomplish all the goals he's laid out? No way. Do I expect him to? No. Do I want the government to take care of me? No. But I do want, as a figurehead, a man who doesn't sound like an idiot when he's in front of the world.

Comment Re:Government shrunk to its Constitutional tasks o (Score 1) 1656

We The People have pretty much the size of Government We The People want doing pretty much the tasks We The People believe to be Constitutional else We The People would have chosen other leaders.

Tee hee. Don't know if you're that naive or just plain stupid, but you seem to be making the fairly large assumption that our leaders do what we elect them to do. Like this here 44th president. Is he going to do *half* of the shit he's promised? No...probably not. So does that mean that everything he *does* do is what the people who elected him wanted?, no likely.

Comment Re:Good luck with that! (Score 5, Informative) 520

If you're pulled over and suspected of DUI, then don't take the damn test, beacuse the accuracy of the breathalyzers are questionable. Plain and simple.

Worst. Advice. Ever. Let me qualify that, if you're a first offender, it's the worst advice ever. First off, depending on what state you're pulled over in, the consequences of refusing the test are worse than your first dui arrest. Second, prosecutors are now using the fact that you refused the test against you as proof that you were intoxicated. If you have no had prior DUI arrests, you should almost always take the test. You can always fight it later on, but you'll almost surely loose your license if you refuse.

Comment Re:The idiot who reported them (Score 1) 1002

I am constantly amazed at the level of ignorance and stupidity this country displays toward security. It's gutless and unreasoned. There are something like 1.2 billion Muslims on the planet, around 22% of the total population of the planet! We have problems with a few thousand of them. How long are we going to use 9-11 to justify continued fear and ignorance?

As opposed to "smart" people like you who can read about an incident and instantly understand what it was actually like being there and judge all people involved. It's good to be perfect eh?


The Science of the Lightsaber 197

Smartcowboy writes "Chances are that you have seen a lightsaber at one time or another, whether on the evening news or down at the local cantina. Therefore you know that a lightsaber is an amazing and versatile device that is able to cut through nearly anything in a matter of milliseconds. Have you ever wondered how these remarkable weapons work? Where does the energy come from, and how are they able to contain that energy in a rod-like column of glowing power? In this article, you will have a chance to look inside a lightsaber and discover the source of its incredible characteristics." I was sure the blade was made from the focused hate and disappointment of the last three movies.

Comment Re:Barack Hussein Obama and David Duke (Score 1) 1912

I dispute that--on average. I'm not saying that it's cause-and-effect or even that the correlation is 100%, but I will go on record as saying that getting a PhD (at least in science!) is very strongly correlated with being able to think clearly, and to discover and question one's own assumptions.

Yes, but one could argue getting a PhD is very strongly correlated with the desire to stay in school without actually having to produce anything. Just saying...

The Internet

FCC Seeks Comment In Comcast P2P Investigation 82

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes "The FCC has officially opened proceedings investigating Comcast's use of Sandvine to send RST packets and 'throttle' P2P connections by disconnecting them. The petitioner, Vuze, Inc. is asking the FCC to rule that Comcast's measures do not constitute 'reasonable network management' per the FCC rules and to forbid Comcast from unreasonably discriminating against lawful Internet applications, content, and technologies. If you want to weigh in on these proceedings, you can use the Electronic Comment Filing System to comment on WC Docket no. 07-52 any time before February 13th."

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