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Comment High conservative bent (Score 5, Interesting) 530

Most of the examples in the article have a pro-conservative leaning. So I went to their FIRE database and tried to find some cases where I knew universities tried blocking left-wing people from speaking. Not surprisingly, I didn't find at least the ones I was aware of.

I think it's good someone is defending conservatives' right to speech. I simply feel they should be open about their partisanship.

Comment Re:What's a Watch? (Score 1) 4

The decision making process (imho) should be based on the bare minimum for your situation.

The itemized list in my submission is the bare minimum. I make use of the alarm and stopwatch all the time.

Oh, and my cell phone is always off. But yes, I don't need a phone with an addressbook or a calculator...

Submission + - Wristwatch for Geeks? 4

Beetle B. writes: "A few days ago my Casio AL-190 died. I've been wearing those kinds of Casio watches for over 20 years, and am now thinking of moving on.

I'm looking for suggestions for a cool, but not too expensive, watch. My requirements are: 1. Must be digital. 2. Default view should show the time — I shouldn't have to press any buttons or flip anything to see the time. 3. Must have stopwatch. 4. Must have an alarm. 5. Battery life shouldn't be issue. Recharging every few days/weeks is out of the question. 6. Should be less than $100 (ideally less than $50), but I can make exceptions if it seems really compelling.

A timer would be nice.
Network connectivity is OK as long as I can turn it off and have it stay off until I enable it again.

Suggestions, anyone?"

Comment Re:Protectionist propaganda (Score 1) 795

I've worked with many very talented foreign born engineers, but in all cases, the most capable people I've worked with didn't want to be H1B. They wanted to stay.

And they do stay!

Cringely may be right about the wage depression, but he's misleading about the H-1B's implications. It is officially a dual-intent visa, and allows people who have that status to apply for a Green card. Most qualified H-1B's get green cards that way - not through marriage as he claims. In fact most foreigners with STEM jobs who have green cards get it through H-1B and not through the O program.

I say, don't accept foreign students to US colleges unless we would be willing to let them immigrate afterwards

You're pretty much saying "Admit them and let them work on H-1B", because the US allows people on H-1B to apply for green cards.

Comment Re:This article is ridiculous. (Score 1) 795

This article fails to even mention that H-1B visas are dual intent - green card applications are common for H-1B visa holders, and many large tech companies encourage green card application as an employee retention mechanism.

You're right, although it doesn't really detract from the main point of his article. He also claims most H-1B folks get green cards via marriage. While many do, it's not that many. I don't have hard numbers, but I'd guess 20%, and can easily believe less than 10% get their green cards through marriage. Most will get it in the manner you described.

Comment Re:HTC underestimated geeks. (Score 1) 280

What would you do if you were a non-techie, you ask the one computer guy you know which phone to get, and he tells you HTC, hands down? Versus seeing a TV commerical with a spiffy-looking unknown phone?

Word-of-mouth advertising is the best advertising. Plus, it's free.

Sorry to be a jerk, but do you have data to back that up?

As the local techie, everyone asks me which PC/camera/TV/ereader etc to get. I tell them. Almost none of them follows my advice.

You see, I'm the weird guy who has the stuff that none of their other friends have. They don't want to be that weird guy in front of all their friends.

Never underestimate the power of conformity.

Comment Re:Wrong question -- (Score 1) 112

He's a Bishop. He has a temple recommend. He still goes to church, even on the campaign trail. Sure, he had to be a little shifty on his opinions of abortion, but that's because he's a politician.

Oh dear. You really don't know devout people.

They don't judge others by religious education, but by things like morality. Does he lie? Does he cheat? Will he walk all over people for personal gain?

If yes, he's not devout. Period. That's how a Mormon who cares about his/her faith will view him. They may still vote for him (most of the country votes for idiots anyway), but they won't think of him as religious.

Comment Re:Wrong question -- (Score 3, Insightful) 112

Sure, but the people who make important policy decisions are, in all likelihood, not very devout.

That will change if Romney wins.

Wow. You really don't know Mormons. Had he been an ordinary dude not running for office, most LDS adherents would die of laughter at the suggestion that he's devout.

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