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Comment Re:Doom (Score 1) 427

as for Gun wobble, that may have been an ID invention, but I'd quite like to know who first put a gun in the players right hand, rather than in the middle bottom.

Am I the only one perturbed by the fact that this guy claims that the "gun wobble" and directional feedback were inventions in which all FPS developers should pay homage? I'm pretty damn sure once you got the technology to represent a 3d world and rasterize it to a 2d plane, making a gun wobble or providing a directional feedback when being attacked would be complete after thoughts. Some guy doing beta testing was probably like "it would be cool if the gun, like, wobbled or or something." So they added a sin function translation to the gun sprite in the y direction, and then voila...brilliant invention!

Comment Re:outrage noted :-) (Score 2) 1259

Chalk me up as a "moronic anti-intellectual" who "doesn't understand the meaning of economic value."

Someone who has a good understanding of physics and math would be very valuable to software companies, especially game companies. As a developer myself, I would love to have the money to pay for a someone who has focused on physics and math in college. Representing continuous movements and geometry with a discrete computational model requires a very good understanding of calculus, linear algebra, and trigonometry. Most people do not have this understanding, so yes, physics and math have a significant economical value.

Also, what the hell do you mean physics and math "are JUST theory"? Without theory, so much technology that we use today wouldn't even exist. Talk about "anti-intellectual"...sheesh.

Comment Re:Yes men (Score 2, Funny) 224

The United States is antisocial. All its residents share in a sort of collective sociopathy where our very lifestyle represents a disregard for and violation of the rights of others. If you could be made to feel the suffering caused by the production of a product when you buy a new car or stereo receiver you'd keel over and die of heartbreak.

Wow, sounds like someone really loves his country.

I hate to break it to you, but it's a completely natural thing for people to care about themselves more than others. It's probably has something to do with natural selection. Obviously, some people are more outwardly caring than others, but to make a sweeping generalization about a whole nation like that is pretty naive.

If you could be made to feel the suffering caused by the production of a product when you buy a new car or stereo receiver you'd keel over and die of heartbreak.

If you didn't buy the car or stereo receiver, how do you know that the were wouldn't be even more pain and suffering caused by the lack of economic growth? As a guy that many people would consider a bleeding heart liberal, I have to say: you need to stop being such an oversensitive pansy.

Comment Re:Not for desktop pc's, but (Score 1) 344

I watched the video and I found in very interesting. As someone who's sitting in front of a 24" monitor and I've ~30 windows open, I totally get the clutter thing.

I found that 10/GUI's solution was not nearly as efficient and effect as the Alt-tab/Alt-shift-tab abilities of Windows. I have many windows open my self. If I want to go to the previous window, I hit alt tab. If I want further down the list, I can hold down alt-tab until I land on the window I want to open. If I go to far, I can go backward with alt-shift-tab. Selecting a window with alt-tab is instantaneous and I don't have to wait for a window to "slide" in to position like in 10/Gui's solution.

I've noticed most people don't really use alt-tab to it's full potential. I didn't either, but when I started using it, my productivity actually increased quite a bit.

Comment Re:Not for desktop pc's, but (Score 0) 344

Place finger on surface, then roll finger without lifting or dragging it.

A finger is a 3d dimensional object that doesn't have just one contact point to the touch interface, rather, it has a surface area of contact. Each person's finger is a different shape. Simply rolling a finger isn't going to guarantee that the pointer will move in the direction you want to.

Putting something at a subpixel position is even easier with modern GPUs (and even Intel GMAs) that power compositing window managers.

Yes, representing something in a sub-pixel position is a situation that modern graphics cards handle quite well. However, I don't see how that would be useful in the context of window management on an OS. If I were working on a Photoshop image, I would want my position to be guaranteed integer values as well.

Even RTS or rail shooters?

Have you ever tried to play Starcraft with a trackpad? Try playing it online and see how long it takes before you get frustrated.

Speaking of Starcraft, I find it to be false assumption that input bandwidth of current input schemes is insufficient (which the voice-over of the video claims). Professional Starcraft players are able to perform 300+ actions per minute with a mouse and keyboard. For the average user, I think this would be plenty.

Comment Re:Configurable (Score 1) 404

Obviously, crawling isn't for traveling. People have different tastes for what they want out of an fps. Some want strategy and realism, some want fast-paced action, and some want a good mix of both.

Considering the recent success of the CoD series, I wouldn't be speaking down to the developers about what is more fun.

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 416

This is NOT a commercial development kit.

This toolkit allows you to create and sell games on XBox Live. How is this not commercial?

The absolute upper cap for the single highest profile Indie Game is 10,000 unit sales.

Absolute? Hardly. Not all developers are reporting how much units they have sold. Even so, there are a few developers that have reported significantly higher numbers than 10,000.

For commercial game production, Xbox Indie Games will NOT be profitable.

If you are making games on your free time, any dollar you make is profit. Also, keep in mind that many developers are releasing more than one game. Some have developers have already released about a dozen. So even if there is a cap on how much a game makes, doesn't mean a developer is limited to that amount of revenue.

Comment Re:Waste MORE time!? (Score 1) 1073

It does. A minute number of high school athletes make professional careers out of it and are successful, the rest end up working in construction or a similar career and spending the rest of their life thinking about how great high school was.

I have to call bull shit on this one. Why the hell is this modded informative when there is no citations? Is slashdot really filled with the stereotypical nerd who is bitter that no one liked them in high school?

In my high school, the valedictorian played varsity basketball and golf. The salutatorian was on my my soccer team. My brother and I played varsity soccer and other sports, and we are both successful computer scientists with graduate degrees. I can't find any references, but I doubt there is any research out there that correlates being an athlete with becoming a low income wage earner.

Although I have to say all the football players in my high school were complete retards. I wonder if that's what you were thinking of when you meant high school athlete.

Comment Re:kind and caring (Score 1) 804

But, ultimately, my point is that we are not fundamentally kind and caring. There is no instinct to just drop everything and help any injured person you see.

It doesn't even have to be about being a caring person, or believing that someone deserves certain rights. As a selfish person, I still want people who are down and out to still be taken care of. Why? Because when faced with no other option this "bloody people on the street" so to speak, is going to break in my fuckin' car, or my house and steal my shit and possibly threaten my life. Fuck that. I'll be happy to pay taxes so these assholes can leach off of government money, and leave me alone. Sure I can buy a shotgun, but I'd really rather not have to kill someone...again, not because I'm caring or something, it's because I don't want to deal with that crap. And don't even get me started about how worthless prisons are at deterring crime.

So I don't get why even the selfish people are against "socialist" ideas, such as a public option for government healthcare. Destitute people will always find a way to leach off hard working people, might as well just let them do it on more reasonable terms.

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