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Comment Re:Can somebody explain NoSQLers to me? (Score 1) 194

You'll want to check out the clustering systems, anything stating to provide write-scaling is probably multi-master. PG-XC describes itself as a "write-scalable synchronous multi-master postgresql cluster". Interestingly 'synchronous' implies that this system scales out without sacrificing consistency. I haven't used it so I can't say for sure. My experience is with commercial RDBMSs and the eventual consistency model.

Data & Reality looks like an interesting read for sure, I will add it to my queue thanks!

Comment Re:Can somebody explain NoSQLers to me? (Score 1) 194

If you've modeled your information well and not let specifics of your application creep in then changes in your application need not be a problem at all. Even if you do need to refactor your information any modern RDBMS has great tools to help. I really do wonder what people with very large object stores are doing when their objects change.

PostgreSQL supports all manner of replication, I imagine it's not as easy as something called "easy replication" but would count on it being more flexible. Or use one of the many clustering systems to trade some flexibility for ease of use.

Comment Re:Can somebody explain NoSQLers to me? (Score 2) 194

BigTable is 15 year old technology that has been completely surpassed by modern relational systems. Many Googlers complain about it and would rather not use it.

The object/relational impedance mismatch is often cited by people who think they should not have to model information to persist information (they mistake their object model for an information model). While it's almost always worth your while to design an information model behind your objects, in the case that it's not you don't have to. Either way a modern relational system has you covered.

Comment Re:Can somebody explain NoSQLers to me? (Score 3, Insightful) 194

If you're persisting the objects from your oo app then you're already doing it wrong. ORM libraries, etc. are just further down the hole. If you can't be bothered to think about what information describes your objects then you don't have persistence, you have persistent cache which is all hibernate is supposed to be. If your app is boxed software or a game or something then that's probably good enough. But if your app is online and expected to scale and evolve over time then choosing to persist objects rather than information is shooting yourself in the foot.

I'm curious, what happens to all the objects in your object store when the application changes?

Comment Re:Commercial databases (Score 1) 509

I'm sorry but the use of auto-incrementing columns as primary keys is considered very good practice these days for anything beyond first normal form. Of course they can be abused/misused and wreak all sorts of havoc but that's no reason to make blanket statements. It reminds me of the greybeards that vehemently reject NULL/3VL as anything but nonsense and refuse to use nullable columns even when the situation calls for it.

Comment Re:Business not a zero sum game (Score 1) 249

with these social products it's more like a war over land than doing business. think of social community as a place that's currently occupied by facebook. the fixed quantity resource are all the eyeballs using the product and the data they generate.

Comment Re:Bitcoin (Score 1) 768

an uninflateable currency is still very valuable. it might not be the super-liquid lubrication that makes the world go round but it could be a safe place to put your money. I could see a future dominated by two currencies - one that's uninflateable with a tendency to increase in value over time and another that hyperinflates and really should be spent fast. perhaps these two currencies are BTC and USD

Comment Re:On dot-net (not debt) (Score 2) 440

.NET consists of a stack-based intermediate language designed for jitting rather than interpreting by a CLR that supports a bunch of very nice high level languages and platforms. Its design was lead by Anders Hejlsberg who many consider to be the Sir Isaac Newton of programming. .NET is beautiful and something MS actually got right.

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