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Comment Re:Not to pick nits, but ... (Score 1) 71

[...] language proficiency at this level of journalism just doesn't exist any longer - it seems to be whoever is willing to type up copy and charge less than an AI for it will get the job.

Perhaps you mean an em-dash rather than a hyphen there, and you /certainly/ mean to use "whomever" rather than "whoever".

Comment Re:It's was so hot we can't stop talking about it (Score 1) 114

I think Archangel Michael was thinking more of people like Al Gore.

If I had become world-famous for warning that the seas are going to rise and drown us all, I probably wouldn't invest heavily in expensive property right next to the sea.

Cute link! Any article containing "Climatard" is definitely a winner.

Is three miles away across nearly sea-level ground "right next to the sea"? Is something on a 200-foot-high cliff that rises nearly vertically from the ocean? Perhaps both are. But one is going to be flooded far, far before the other one is.

Comment Re: Didn't Kelvin disprove the Wright brothers (Score 1) 71

So, yes?

Isn't Kelvin quoted in your link as saying airplanes are impossible because, implicitly, the science of thermodynamics prohibits it?

I don't see how that interview implies a thermodynamic limit of any sort to heavier-than-air flight. If you know of other writings or even tangential implications from Lord Kelvin's statements that talk about such things, please let me know!

Comment Re:Implications for cryptography (Score 1) 71

21 was using Shor's algorithm, and the team reporting that realized they'd factored larger numbers in the process. Pre-processing is arguably a bit of a "cheat", and of course there are groups which take credit for some snake-oily results, but the fact remains that prime factorization is coming along. You imply that it's only because of money and academic credit involved, which is really a silly claim to make.

Comment Re:Didn't Kelvin disprove the Wright brothers (Score 2) 71


Thompson had a lot of strong opinions, and they weren't always correct, but he knew about birds, he knew about energy densities, and he knew about the developments of 1896 and heavier-than-air flying machines.
Perhaps you're thinking about

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