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Comment Re:I do not mind (Score 2) 577

That doesn't actually prevent people from getting the patent, and, if they have the patent, they will still sue. If you have a patent you can threaten to sue back, otherwise you have to hire lawyers. Do you know how much IP lawyers cost? If you are at a company making any amount of money you have a target painted on your back.

Comment Re:Beware of dynamic languages for large projects. (Score 4, Interesting) 530

I disagree about the time spent debugging - usually it is pretty straightforward. However, the problem is that users wind up hitting code paths that your tests missed and compilers could have warned you about. Either that, or you actually spend 10x writing tests than writing code, which means that using the language is no longer a help but a waste of time.

I've found that Objective C is one of the best languages that has an intermediate between the dynamicism of Ruby and the type-checking of Java. It allows you to go uber-meta when you want to, but it does a lot of the static checking that is left out elsewhere.

Comment Re:hmm (Score 2, Insightful) 170

Yes, this usually happens when the employees have been milking the companies. That's actually what is happening now. This is why people are willing to go to cheap labor. If your current work crew isn't performing well, you might as well hire out for cheaper. If your workers are good at what they do and work hard, then the employer won't hire to the cheap pool, because the cheap pool isn't equivalent.

Where I work, we sometimes bid a job for 4x what other firms bid it out for. But many companies still hire us. Why? Because they know that it will cost more in the long run if they go with people who aren't as competent to do the work.

Middle class wages are stagnant because (a) middle class workers are slacking, and (b) the government is eating up any possible extra money, and (c) inflating the currency enough to make savings worthless.

If the well-paid workers aren't any better than the cheaper pool, why *should* they be earning more money? Also remember that the split between a "worker" and an "owner" is purely voluntary - any of those workers could themselves be owners, but have chosen not to be. Money is not a right. You must work to earn your keep.

Comment Re:That's a load of bullshit, sir. (Score 1) 170

If I recall correctly, another reason why many construction workers were mohawks is that there is a distinct instinct in them that allowed them to work in high buildings on beams without problems - both lack of fear and an incredible sense of balance. This is pervasive throughout their society, so the easiest way to find someone who can do construction on a skyscraper was to hire out among the Mohawk tribes.

Comment Re:Should X be mandatory? (Score 5, Informative) 861

Well, the problem is that landfills are actually *made* to handle toxic substances, so filling them up with things that don't belong there wastes *lots* of money and time. They usually put landfills in empty rock quarries, so that the waste doesn't leach into the soil and water system. In addition, they are usually treated in such a way as to encourage it *not* to break down, and therefore it is less of a hazard. If you spend all of that landfill area on stuff that *could* be composted away, you are just wasting valuable space.

Comment Re:Wrong (Score -1, Flamebait) 861

Why do you think we must go to expensive doctors for healthcare? They haven't even existed for most of humanity. The problem is that government regulations *prevent* people from offering healthcare at reasonable prices. They don't allow nurses to operate without the supervision of doctors, they are trying to push herbalists out, and if you were to make a splint for your neighbor's broken arm... God help you.

The problem isn't that we lack healthcare, it's that the government has mandated that all health care be done by expensive doctors, rather than by each other.

On top of that, we have developed a societal expectation that we should have everything just because we want it. Why should you be guaranteed dental care by a specialist after drinking cokes for decades?

There are many people who would and could help, but we demand that our help comes only from experts and specialists, and then we demand that someone else pay for it.

Comment Re:Fundies just can't stand the heat (Score 1) 943

Actually, just to be clear, a large number of Catholics, especially those in the upper hierarchy, are ID-oriented evolutionists. Most people don't realize that there is a large contingent of ID who agree with common ancestry, but doubt the mechanism of natural selection. This is the position of many in the Catholic church.

Comment Re:Fundies just can't stand the heat (Score 1) 943

Also with regard to the Galileo affair, Feyerabend argued quite persuasively that a fair assessment of the evidence available to observers at the time of Galileo actually point to Galileo being wrong. In fact, Galileo's "clenching" argument that the Earth moves is the tides, which Galileo thought occurred by the sloshing of the waters as the Earth moves in space. Galileo thought that the geocentric idea that the moon caused the tides was rediculous nonsense.

Anyway, just to point out that the way knowledge progresses is always much more messy than the stories that get told.

Comment Re:Fundies just can't stand the heat (Score 1) 943

Actually, Catholicism isn't nearly as single-minded as your post implies. There are many parts of the Catholic church with many different perspectives. There are YEC groups and evolutionary groups and everything in-between. The Catholic church is quite a diverse place, and the idea that it is a singular unity is basically a myth. The "orders" of the catholic church have about as much variance as the Protestant denominations.

Comment Re:Lameness (Score 1) 1613

In anything, you can get people to work around the clock. What made Apple tick was that Jobs organized that work towards a common, definable goal. It is great to have a great crew. But there are a very small number of crews, no matter how great the individuals, who will work in a unified effort without the strong efforts of a leader to provide direction.

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