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Comment If I wanted those apps, I'd get a MS phone (Score 1) 148

As long as they can be uninstalled, great. If they're always installed then boo.

I've got a long term investment in the Google infrastructure, for better or worse. I don't want to be directed to use a different infrastructure (OneDrive, etc), and I don't want that cluttering up my phone. Luckily I expect it is easily fixed this time round via installing the correct apps from the Play store, but what about the future?

Some major money must have passed hands. Shame.

Comment Re:Makes sense to me (Score 1) 411

Coming from a Java background, I have found it very refreshing to start coding Clojure (which is a lisp family language that runs on the JVM).

It does appear to me that it becomes possible to write extremely compact code in Clojure compared to the equivalent Java code.

Also, the language really encourages you to just deal with the built in "primitive" collections (obviously behind the scenes they aren't primitive, but at the syntax/function level they are) - sets, maps, vectors, lists, etc for your data structures and passing data around. Java, even with Apache/Google collections help, is often a load of collection herding, shuffling and copying, which comes for free with Clojure (and will become a lot more concise with Java 8's Lambdas too).

Modern programming practices (separation of concerns, patterns, etc) also means that code often has a lot of the same boilerplate structure around it, with a little functionality in the middle. The benefit is, of course, maintainability and clarity.

Comment Re:"This is your company, this is your startup" (Score 1) 101


To join a startup, you need to know several things you need to know in addition to the usual job stuff - how much finding does the company have (i.e., how long will it last, who is backing it, etc), will I get equity, and how much (usually in exchange for a lower salary because the funding isn't infinite), and how the team is structured.

Don't join a startup that wants you to earn less than elsewhere if they are looking at getting fun rooms, nice desks, top notch offices, etc. Join a startup that can offer you other benefits that other companies can't - working from home (save on commuting costs and time), better/flexible work hours, and so on.

The startup should offer a sizeable portion of the company as equity amongst the team. I don't know what the going rates are, but if n% of the company was given to the initial team then you would be wanting to look at n/10% for a senior dev, n/30% for a junior dev. This would drop as time passes (hires become less 'foundery' - so don't join a startup that's past the initial equity handouts unless they give even more away (and this is worrying in itself). If it's old enough to get more funding, it's not a startup and you should expect standard job benefits.

And, of course, the whole point of equity is to make a real gesture regarding the company being "your startup", beyond words. The vision is important and needs to be sold, but it means nothing without actions. Sadly I think this guy wants the benefits, and the long hours, and the low wages, without any such actions.

Comment Re:Did they fix the random USB dropouts? (Score 2) 355

Found this...

The new BCM2836 SoC is more or less the old BCM2835 with the ARMv6 core cut out and a v7 quad core dropped in it’s place. However there are some other minor changes can you talk about those?

There aren’t any changes to the USB subsystem, but the power system has received a tweak. 2835 has an on-board SMPS: this wasn’t large enough to supply the current needed by the quad Cortex complex, so it was removed, and Pi 2 uses an external SMPS chip. Also, as the Cortex complex has its own 512KB L2 cache, we no longer use the 128KB system L2 — ARM traffic goes directly to SDRAM instead.

Comment Re:Should be 64-bit (Score 1) 355

The ARM Cortex A7's in the new Pi have Neon.

But yes, ARMv8 is a significant clean up on old ARM cruft (usually exposing too much of the underlying hardware in the ISA, or design decisions that in the long term weren't as useful as they seemed at the time (like a 4-bit predication field in the ISA)).

It's just that there aren't any $5 ARMv8 SoCs available right now. I'm sure in a year or two they will appear with the A53. Right now, 4 A7s is a massive step up.

Comment Re:Too late, but not entirely too little (Score 1) 355

Most ARM SoCs advertising high clock speeds are actually advertising max turbo speeds - just because that TV stick is saying it's running at 2GHz doesn't mean it gets there often.

Turbo is a great thing, but it's not for long workloads, it's for "race to sleep" workloads.

This is a $5 SoC, so you've got to expect some reduction in specifications given the rest of the board, and the large amount of support for the ecosystem.

People have said this new Pi is overclockable to 1100MHz too, more seems likely (very early days).

Comment Re: What about the GPU? (Score 1) 355

The A20 has half the A7 cores that this new Pi has.

The good thing is that this new Pi will force all the competitors to bump their specs a little where they are weaker. Maybe the next Cubieboard will use an A80.

But having a board where everything just works and is well supported is well worth it when your free time is valuable.

Comment Re:Still ARM11, still a crappy CPU (Score 1) 355

Broadcom have released the register level specs of the VideoCore IV, and an open (ARM space) driver is being worked on.

But tbh the VideoCore IV was designed from the ground up for embedded firmware use like this, it's a full CPU as well as a GPU, and it takes load off of the CPU. However now there are four cores it's less of an issue, and of course it makes the GPU very upgradeable.

Quad-A7 isn't too bad for $35 in my opinion. But the 12 GFLOPS GPU isn't very exciting (I was hoping that the RPi upgrade would also upgrade this aspect).

I suspect that Broadcom have given up on VideoCore development in the face of the competition, and will be licensing GPUs in the future from ARM/Img, etcc.

Comment Re:Still ARM11, still a crappy CPU (Score 1) 355

If you read the article's comments, The Register broke the NDA by releasing the article before the announcement.

As a result they got all the facts wrong, and made you look bad.

Btw, the Neon support in this chip makes it 20x faster at code that makes use of it (multithreaded video processing, for example), which is a nice boost.

I was hoping for native SATA or USB3 or a faster GPU, but it's $35 and the most supported ARM board on the planet...

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